
You should be more guilty about and less pleasured by these things

You should be more guilty about and less pleasured by these things

I honestly just fell in love with this woman for even mentioning kitty pryde. That's how easily chris claremont and joss whedon can manipulate me. Even thinking about kitty pryde gives me the warm and fuzzies.

I honestly just fell in love with this woman for even mentioning kitty pryde. That's how easily chris claremont and joss whedon can manipulate me. Even thinking about kitty pryde gives me the warm and fuzzies.

I honestly think tyler the creator is just really a young person's thing. Sure he's immature, but I think he's interesting and fun also. He's just an angsty teen (21, whatever) who likes to dick around. I'm fine with watching that for a bit, since I am also a mildly angsty teen who likes to dick around.

I honestly think tyler the creator is just really a young person's thing. Sure he's immature, but I think he's interesting and fun also. He's just an angsty teen (21, whatever) who likes to dick around. I'm fine with watching that for a bit, since I am also a mildly angsty teen who likes to dick around.

Had a pretty darn good pop culture weekend actually… been reading a collection of essays by John Jeremiah Sullivan called Pulphead which has been really fun. On the lighter side, I've been gobbling up two seasons of Workaholics. I can't get enough of that show… fills a Always Sunny shaped hole in my heart. Also, I

Had a pretty darn good pop culture weekend actually… been reading a collection of essays by John Jeremiah Sullivan called Pulphead which has been really fun. On the lighter side, I've been gobbling up two seasons of Workaholics. I can't get enough of that show… fills a Always Sunny shaped hole in my heart. Also, I

First off, I just love the fact that the cover picture is from better off dead. I love you all. 
Listened to a lot of El-p, cancer 4 cure. I'm liking it pretty well.  Watched a season of Creature Comforts. Quite a meditative experience. Sunday night, watched a Werner Herzog documentary about Antarctica (the name eludes

First off, I just love the fact that the cover picture is from better off dead. I love you all. 
Listened to a lot of El-p, cancer 4 cure. I'm liking it pretty well.  Watched a season of Creature Comforts. Quite a meditative experience. Sunday night, watched a Werner Herzog documentary about Antarctica (the name eludes

Hey, it's ok if you don't like Radiohead, but you don't have to accuse everyone else of faking it. That shit is highly enjoyable.

Hey, it's ok if you don't like Radiohead, but you don't have to accuse everyone else of faking it. That shit is highly enjoyable.

Friday night; watched some planet earth while borderline comatose on my couch if that counts for anything
Saturday: went out  and saw a really satisfying french mystery called Poupoupidou ( or in America it was released as nobody else but you) in a local arthouse theatre. Super fun, I'd definitely recommend it. 

Friday night; watched some planet earth while borderline comatose on my couch if that counts for anything
Saturday: went out  and saw a really satisfying french mystery called Poupoupidou ( or in America it was released as nobody else but you) in a local arthouse theatre. Super fun, I'd definitely recommend it. 

I can´t even reccomend buffy to some people because the first season is so weak. I´ve known a lot of people who just couldn´t get through it, and had to skip to the second. It´s fine, but it´s nothing special and you can hate it and love the rest of the series.

I feel like an asshole, but reading conversations about hyper-mainstream superhero, widescreen, crossover comics makes me kind of hate comics. I really don't get why you would pay so much month to month for paper thin stories about outdated men in tights just to keep up with continuity. And this is coming from someone

Transmetropolitan is some really fun cyberpunk fair about a Hunter S. Thompson-esque reporter in the future. I love it. Very clever in my opinion, all though some people think it gets a little self absorbed. If you like clever cyberpunk it's right up your alley.

No pussy blues by grinderman is where it's at.

El-p! The full retard for sure

Ooooh mumford and sons, yes I love just blasting some good old m&s and just screaming along. 
Sarcasm. That was sarcasm. 
As for me anything by Danny Brown (Bruiser Brigade or Monopoly are great), No Pussy Blues by Grinderman, never tell or kiss off by the violent femmes, this monkeys gone to heaven  by the pixies, and