
Caught up on mad men, loving the new season. Watched myself a bit of season 2 justified, still quite an amazing show. I really need to catch up on that. Movies wise, I watched American Psycho and the 25th hour, both movies I should have watched a long long time ago, and neither dissapointed. Also read finished Ubik by

Daniel Johnston's Hi how are you frog… or anything daniel johnston…

I can't believe I didn't think of that sitting here staring at my bookshelf thinking of tattoo ideas! That's great. That and kurt vonnegut's asterisk/asshole would be great

Kurt Vonnegut's Asshole
the key to hell from sandman
x-men symbol/phoenix force 
Black monolith
the dude abides

Those are some excellent tattoos, my friend

Don't make fun of me, but I can't tell if Chris Martins is being serious or not

naaaaana naaaaana naaaana naaaana 
naaaaana naaaana 

I really think I enjoy Community for an entirely different reason than everyone else on these message boards. I thought this was better than last weeks episode… I understand what people say about the "cartoony" nature of the show, but this show has always been cartooney . Watching Jeff's ego explode in the form of an

bedridden and catching up on some dragrace… but seriously fuck that shit I just want jiggly to leave already. At least Milan was entertaining in her manic insanity.

Foosball was great, absolutely. I think she's talented, and I did love the "sexy" reveal,  it just feels like the episodes are never quite as satisfying.

I actually can't stand Shirley episodes… but Gillian and Joel's drunk rants and abed and troy were pretty great. I really wasn't feeling this episode as much as I wish, but ah well, we've got community back!

I legitimately can't tell if you're talking about saturday morning breakfast cereal, or marijuana. 

what the fuck, four is clearly the best season, ya'll are trippin. I don't get that at all… the constant, desmond, I loved it all…
 I enjoyed the show, it seems like people make too big a deal about its flaws. It was an enjoyable, grandiose, and pretty impressively ambitious show on network television. It deserves a

I'm 12 and I listen to this old music on youtube. WTF do people like lady gaga and shitty stuff like that, music is bad now, omg

I've learned to drive using emphatic hand gestures!

speak the truth

In summation: it's trashy hilarity, you'll probably like it. There is no bit of political sensitivity or anything involved. You could just watch an episode and see how you like it… I understand why people jumped on your shit, but i also get what you're saying. Just give it a try, I can't imagine not liking it. Big,

Yeah, I just didn't want to read the entire comments section before I put in my two bits. 
Well she was super sexy, no matter how you cut it.

Did you just put ladykillers above the big lebowski? 
I just flipped a table out of rage.

Did anyone else find drinky april extra sexy? No? Oh, ok. I totally didn't either. 
*leaves quietly*