
You are a lucky man

I think it's really a fantastic movie. Some great sci-fi concepts, memorable scenes, just all in all a quality movie. I don't get why it isn't more renowned. The twist isn't really what makes it good. I am really surprised they didn't mention it… one of my favorite movies

and if you really want to be a little lazy bitch about controlling it, you can get a wireless mouse and control it from where you sit…
it's fantastic

and Black Books, Mighty Boosh, and IT crowd

if you live in Seattle (longshot) it's playing at the SIFF in february

Didn't see it in 3d-still enjoyed it. 
(Herzog and Wenders do make me excited for the future of 3d, though)

Yeah, but @avclub-bf3eb25e65e1f87dab76829f15a0907a:disqus it did have some nice things about the miracle of film for a kids movie. I loved seeing melies stuff and having him as a character, and I thought the incorporation of the slapstick as an interplay with the silent movie element was kind of fun. I think if it

But I think they are mostly listing new or recently revamped series'. God that's a great comic.

Is this Elegy your talking about? or is there more?

It's the opposite of that Grant Morrison light-speed storytelling.

Yeah, I'm not a total new reader, just lapsed in the X-men continuity since i generally buy trade and there is just to much to buy to keep up with modern continuity. New X-men and Whedon's Astonishing are some of my favorite comics of all time… there's nothing like a good x-men comic. I'll check it out, sounds great

yeah, but really… if it wasn't directed by Scorsese and there was a kids movie that got an 83 on metacritic and was talked about for it's incorporation of film history, would you really be indignant? It feels like people are mad it didn't live up to their scorsese-expectations. It's not like it's going to win an

I want to read Uncanny X-force, but I don't know if I'm quite qualified. If I've read Astonishing X-men, new x-men, and a lot of classic Claremont X-men. Love them all, but is Uncanny x-force to referential for someone who isn't completely up to date on the x-mythos?

haha I forgot who Icon was a part of. That too. Same thing as Vertigo is to DC which I think AV club would also review under mainstream comics.

Jesus Christ people. Have a heart… it's a fun kid's movie. That's some rageful writing Tasha did right there… I'm impressed anyone can be that disdainful and angry about this movie.

Guys, guys, come on. It's cute, it's got some charm, it's a wonderful kids movie, and it was enjoyable. I'm not saying this is a masterpiece, but as Scorsese trying his hand at family friendly fair i thought it was fun. I don't think people are trying to be that in-on-the-joke about it, but that is annoying if you

It comes out monthly and is available at your local comic shop in single issue format.
I think the av club qualifies graphic novels and art comics as either books that are published straight into book format (which is a  graphic novel) or stuff that fits the underground "comix" bill, art comics, and general

I'm Andy Rooney, and I don't understand why all these girls these days have to use my last name. 
It used to be that the name Rooney was reserved only for last names! Call me old fashioned, but I think all boys should be named Andy and all women named Gertrude.

on the (completely unrelated) plus side we got the Chew showtime tv show…

I read the first trade of this: I liked it, but the characters felt a little cartooney and shallow. Worth the read through? Does it get better?