
Bob's Burgers is good, but is it really better than Archer?

Isn't that what the parking lot is for?

The difference is that he's actually attractive so it only took 7 seasons of the Office before I hated him.

The best song is never the single and you weren't either.

Am I the only one who thinks Sadie getting the Rhonda Goes Broke treatment will be super boring? And how did Jake manage to LOSE personality over the break? Not a bad start for the season, but those issues are bugging me.

Not obvious that it was a shot at his feeble attempts to rap?

I assumed it was so they could sell more higher priced tickets, no?

"God knows you earned it" sealed it for me.

Has anyone seen ads for this on anything other than porn sites? I would not know this movie existed otherwise.

Not slacking off…

No one's going to see this, but did anyone else think it was a little dumb that Lana thought it was racist/sexist to not send her to Turkmenistan, when she used the same valid argument to not go to Russia?

Yeah and his best work in Derrick Comedy was not listed here: Daughters.

Not everyone who watches TV shows have commercials packaged in with them

Based on TVtrope's Getting Crap Past The Radar page for this show, the fisting line was definitely intended.

Before you leave, how much cash would it take for all three of you for like… an hour? Give me something to reach for.

I can't believe no one's mentioned that the spoon line in Diced Pineapples is Wale… but I guess everyone read that entry as closely as the author listened to the song.

I can't believe no one's mentioned that the spoon line in Diced Pineapples is Wale… but I guess everyone read that entry as closely as the author listened to the song.

I didn't realize until I read this comment that Andy wasn't in this episode…

I didn't realize until I read this comment that Andy wasn't in this episode…

So… they're all bitches?