With frogurt for desert? Not the cursed kind, though.
Yes, but hold the spam.
I've made dandelion wine before. It was quite tasty.
Schweaty [sp?] Balls, from the SNL skit?
Better: Attendez la crème.
And if they could be bred to squeal "Eat me!" like the cakes in Alice in Wonderland, it would be a win-win, that's for sure.
I didn't know that my use of the word "buggery" was offensive to some, or apparently, many people.
Um, OK. You don't have to yell and swear, eh?
Surely you remember that there was a boy in a bubble somewhere in there, right?
Or … frayed knot?
Love, peace, and Shonen Knife.
Maybe yes, maybe no. Shutting the fuck up and minding your own business didn't help those buggered boys at U Penn now, did it?
It's both, then.
New state motto:
Great video for the song, too, with a nekkid chick and Ray Winstone.
And it's got a nekkid chick on the cover.
Hey, can we please get this thread back on track to its original topic of tree-based puns?
It's "Où est le whiskey?"