
Red bean sweets are definitely an acquired taste. My family hosted a Japanese exchange student for a while and she brought pounds of the stuff with her. I didn't care for them at first, but actually grew to really enjoy the flavor after never turning down any of her offers out of politeness. Red bean mochi is one of

Eaten all three of the Holy Trinity and I'll have to agree with you on all counts! Cheese & onion was my favorite.

In my defense, Jasper, I was severely jetlagged, had a sinus infection, and was meandering around a town I had only set foot in for all of an hour at 2 am when every restaurant and pub was closed. Suffice to say, the neurons weren't exactly firing at peak efficiency that night.

If there's anything that After School Specials and PSAs taught me as a kid, it's that I can pretty much do anything I want as long as I believe in myself. By golly, I am going to lug that roasted chicken from Terminal A to Terminal Z and back again!

Adventures in Crispendom
The roast chicken Walkers are surprisingly edible when you're jetlagged and wandering around at 2 am. They tasted like they had a hint of rosemary, too, but after a while the flavor gets a little overwhelming and you start thinking you'd rather just be eating an actual roasted chicken.

I hadn't considered that, partdavid, but you do bring up a good point. Doesn't make the term any less cringe-worthy or the Jim/Pam dynamic of this season any less saccharine in my eyes, but I'll concede that it's appropriate if used in terms of how children perceive love and romance.

[insert title here]
I must have a heart made of diamond and lead, because I thought the Jim/Pam moment at the end WAS "mawkish [and] vomit-inducingly sentimental." But I tend to tune out and shut down whenever I hear the term "soulmate." It just sounds too Disneyfied to be coming from an adult's mouth.

Yes. And that one summer you spent at camp. The one with that nice counselor with the warm, strong hands that that reassuring voice…the kind of voice that makes you feel so very safe and protected.

The joke's on you, darling, as my soul is comprised mainly of regret and cheap tequila.

Space Ghosts, eh?
Hmmm…I might actually consider offering my soul up to Xenu if it means new episodes of C2C.

I especially enjoyed the part where the two older ladies were watching home movies and griping about how people were pitying the children even though the Apocalypse descended right before they had a chance to fully realize how ugly life can be. Very poignant, I thought.