The Devil and John Berryman

Sean, we have to go back! We have to go back to Disqus!

Sean, we have to go back! We have to go back to Disqus!

The first half season of the Leftovers was so boring. Does it really get that much better?

I'm very hungry, but don't want to miss the mushroom cloud. Just rip the bandaid off already.

This is your fault! They told us they only needed one more Disqus user to prove its worthiness!

The last outpost of the resistance.

When the flip switches, will we have a brief moment of a utopian shared consciousness?

It's time for the shared Cinematic Edgarverse

Shovel yourself out of the shit!

Don't you have an online Klan/Trump rally to get to?

I am
Already dead


**Grenade goes off. Freddie Jerkury is unharmed, except he's now grayed out and no one can see him. He waves to his friends that everything is OK, but they can't see him. Freddie Jerkury dies a lonely death, watching all of his friends move on without him.**

It's an enemies list. We will all be doxxed shortly.

Is everyone naked? I'll take my pants off just to be safe.

Maybe it's part of their internal resistance, hoping we just break the mother fucker by overloading the system during the transition.

How many in dog years?

My name was a Hold Steady reference, not John Berryman specifically. I'm sorry to any literary nerds I may hurt with my deception.

Fuck! Fuck!

What a great way to ensure that the first experience anyone has with the new site is trying to register a name and checking their email. Rather than, ya know, experiencing the new site they claim is going to be so great.