The Devil and John Berryman

It's not their fault everything Trump does is embarrassing. It is their fault that they are starting on the path towards a slow suicide.

-The AV ClubKinja

So you willingly came aboard a rat infested sinking ship? What a sad life you must lead.

So you willingly came aboard a rat infested sinking ship? What a sad life you must lead.

They were sued for making a public spectacle out of someone getting fucked. That sure sounds like their comments section.

The last large site to use Kinja got destroyed by Hulk Hogan and a Trump sock puppet.

"What? That's not a thing you stupid fucking assholes. It's certainly not a thing that gets you out of worshiping Nazis." But that may just be my upstate New York regional dialect.

"We can comment on Savage Love now?!"
"Not after today."

I bid you farewell in my goodbye for now post on the Nazi online rally newswire. You liked more of my comments than anyone else, so thank you for having such great taste.

It's a Chrome (and soon to be Firefox) extension that plugs into your browser and makes the website usable.

I'm not sure if I'll be able to be on during the Kinjaing tomorrow, and there's a decent chance the entire site explodes into a ball of rage when they click start, so might as well say goodbye now. It's only fitting, since these Trump articles are the only thing that's kept me sane the last year. We had a real good

We don't use steel at all because it's too permanent. We want people coming in and out as quickly as possible, which is why we build all of our structures with cow shit.

I gave Obama somewhere in the neighborhood of $60 over his 2 presidential campaigns. If that kind of cash can't score me an invite to his instigators rally I've lost all hope in crony capitalism.

He looks like he can't wait to be a teenager so he can rebel the shit out of his dad.

Tomorrow at 10 am Central Time we're all drinking special kool-aid, and when we wake up the commenting system will be better than ever, and Trump would have been dead for 10 years.

Where do you think all the syrup for the Eggos comes from?

I didn't know such a show existed, but SVE has put it to the top of my queue. Thanks, grassroots Netflix marketing bot!

My issue with Disqus is that it only works like 75% of the time. When it works, it really fucking works. I have no issues, it's easy to follow. But when it doesn't, when it logs me out and won't let me log back in for weeks, or when it shows me notifications for 3 years ago, it's only barely better than Kinja.

It's cute you think there will be a 10 years from now.

Our current favorite mediocre white nerd is Dan Harmon.