The Devil and John Berryman

C'mon ladies, you could have so many more chances to host shows if you were just a little more open to televising violence against you! Stop being so sensitive!

If Trump wanted to score some points with the AVC crowd, and why wouldn't he?!, he should tweet out "Failing AV Club switching to #FakeCommentting system! #Sad!"

I'm sure that's true for nearly every website. And maybe even it's technically true about the AV Club. But the commentariat is so baked into the culture here that it's really hard for me to imagine that there won't be a massive drop off here. How many people say they rarely comment but love to read the discussions

Jose Cuervo aged in Funky Buddha stout barrels. Way too much Jose Cuervo, way too little Funky Buddha. But I have found that mixing it with a gose is a pretty tasty margarita alternative.

Who could have possibly guessed that a technical person wouldn't be awesome at customer service, and that allowing him to speak directly with humans would be a terrible idea?!

I started reading the print edition as a child, after my dad left a copy of the Onion out and told me "don't read this, it has swears," and then being totally curious as to why a newspaper would be off limits. I have to assume he did this on purpose knowing I'd like it, but just didn't want to get in trouble with my

None, but South Korea also has no chance in said war. And likely good chunks of the west coast of the US. Basically, no body has a chance, even if North Korea has the worst chance of any.

Has he really?! Why doesn't anyone appreciate good TV writing?!

I actually think that's the entire point of the grays.

They purposefully promoted this thread knowing all of our white hot anger would bring Disqus down, thus justifying their decision. They are evil geniuses.

Follow up question: Do you ever wish there was a Dark O'Neal that was able to say exactly what he thought about the move?

I created one when already to be prepared. Are you saying I've now screwed myself out of linking that with my current account? I was trying to be proactive!

You're lucky we aren't on Kinja yet, otherwise such blatant disregard for the GroupThink would get you grayed.


I did after the election.

Those clowns at Univision did it again.

You realize that that is the exact same though process that gave us President Trump. Look how well that turned out!

In addition to the much discussed lack of threading and approval system, I just hate how it looks. So much white space. Such huge font. You can see maybe 3 comments on a page before having to load more.

I'll treat it like all old friends. I'll say I'll stick around, and will start off coming here every day. Then I realize I haven't checked in 4 months, I'll stop by for a visit, then get terrified at how much they've changed. Then I'll contemplate the passage of time and how one day we'll all die.

The good news is, in the future, this comment won't even show up to cause such embarrassment to self and family.