The Devil and John Berryman

If Kanye West was President, and continued to act like Kanye, every moronic fucking thing he said would be covered the same way. The plus side is President Kanye probably would drop one or two stone cold classic albums about how sorry he is for being such a shit person/President.

Yeah, I actually enjoy stories like this. Well, not so much enjoy, as much as they give me a brief respite from remember all of the truly terrible things his administration is doing. But being reminded just how much of a fucking moron he is, and how he will absolutely fuck this up the same way he's fucked up

You honestly think Trump knows what the Japanese stock market is called? Or that they have a stock market? Or that Japan exists?

If Bannon is fired he's selling Trump out in seconds. Which is a shame, because that would mean the world was saved by Steve fucking Bannon.

That's really not true. While politicians to have a stereotype of being liars, they actually almost never just make up stuff whole cloth like that. They'll cherry pick data to support their claims, they'll omit stuff they don't want to draw attention to. But for the most part, politicians tend to at least try to

There would be far more Ivanka bikini photos if that were true.

Confirmation that Trump really is just that grandpa that calls the Golden Corral customer service line when his corn was too hot.

I like the part of the trailer where Berry keeps uttering "You took the wrong kid!," implying that there are other kids quite worthy of such a kidnapping.

Trump is where all of these arguments fall apart. One could make a logical argument against corruption on either side of the aisle. But when your conclusion is "in summation, this is why we need Trump" you lose any credibility.

Funky Buddha just released their rum barrel aged Piña Colada, and that alone is worth a trip to Florida.

I can get several Wisconsin crafts all the way down in Florida.

They're trying to play both sides. The macro arm is full on "fuck craft beer! craft beer is for pussies!", while their craft beer arm continues its "why are you being so mean to us???" defense.

There are a lot of things that Wisconsin has gotten wrong lately, but the way the entire state, from the liberal loonies in Madison to the Confederate wannabes up north, embraces their local beer is really amazing. You can't step foot into any dive bar in the state without a couple of taps of great beer produced in

Bee. It says right in the headline. And several times within the body. And also in the comment section.

"Not on your life, my Hindu friend" sure takes on a more sinister meaning.

Just say with a dude, you know you want to.

But it sure does seem like the only women saddled with it are opinionated, intellectual, and able to express themselves. Wonder why that is.

If you told me Trump lit a Syrian baby on fire I wouldn't 100% doubt you. I'd still look it up to confirm if it was true, but it wouldn't be out of the realm of possibilities.

I always want to know who these pivots are directed towards. I'm online all fucking day, too much frankly. And half of the time it's me wasting time at work, when I can't just sit around watching videos without being notices. But I can read and comment on articles and by boss is none the wiser. Even in my free time,

And the entire reason superdelegates exist is to stop a Donald Trump like candidate. If the GOP had superdelegates we'd be stuck with boring old JEB!!! right now, which is vastly superior to the hell we currently live in.