The Devil and John Berryman

I was convinced he was going to, because he would have been the prefect Trump antidote. Previously famous, able to hold his own in attack mode, but also knows what the fuck he's doing and has a serious political side.

I still think it's funny that people find caucuses to be a fair and representative form of voting, so to each his own.

I doubt many of them will change their minds, at least not for another election cycle when maybe they'll finally realize their life isn't better. But he won on the backs of moderates who thought they had two terrible choices and went with the devil they didn't know. They are the ones that are starting to come to

Based on the number of morons in this country, if he did every terrible thing he wants to do, but stayed silent about it, he'd probably be pushing 50% approval right now.

Was that really on King of Queens too? Because they used that exact joke on How I Met Your Mother.

You can argue if the AV Club is equipped to deal with Trump coverage, and I'd argue that O'Neal at least is, but they've never published any outright lies. They mock actual, honest to god, easily verifiable things as a protective shield against the slowly creeping depressing that sets in if you think about the world

It's not going as fast as we'd like, but things matter, and the Trump grip is slipping. It's moving glacially slow, but congress is turning. The already terrible approval rating is slowly dripping south. Nothing is going to happen with a bang, but our checks and balances are slowly pushing back.

Does the AV Club Afterdark count as not AV Club?

Couldn't you also look to literally every other artist that ever got popular, in the entire history of the world?

You sound like a reasonable person.

If what you've read about him indicates he's not a bad guy, I don't think you really know how to read.

And it's done so much good!

It's really amazing how unpopular he was when you consider how much of a far right asshole he is, and that he was Gov of Indiana. You have to really fuck up to base your entire political existence on hating gays, and the vast majority of deep red Indiana still gives you a hard pass.

So, complete and total nuclear annihilation?

There are very few things in modern history that are as equally terrifying as what we currently have. Pence is terrible, but he's not existential threat to our entire world terrible.

I was a huge republican when I was 9, but that's just because I loved Back to the Future, and I thought Alex P. Keaton and Marty McFly were the same person.

I assume this will go the way of all instant viral stars, and we'll find out on Monday that Pickle is on probation for a domestic violence charge.

Why isn't Failing Pickle investigating Hillary? He can't even afford to buy his cakes from a store. Sad!

Until you've gotten wasted on whatever their local alcohol of choice is, you haven't visited.

Do they still have free bacon night at Wando's? If so, why didn't you go there?