The Devil and John Berryman

SueAnn, in all seriousness, it appears that Pickle has some severe development issues, and I'd recommend bringing him to see a doctor as soon as possible. Especially since Congress could try taking away your healthcare again at any moment.

Pickle will be the next Senator from Michigan.

My wife.

Come the fuck on. 666 Fifth Ave? That's all the proof we need that reality is an illusion and we're all just living inside of a SyFy original movie script.

Fire can't melt pickles, sheeple!

It is true, and I think it was actually the entire school that participated. I want to say they even did an "Electoral College" where the winner was determined based on who won at least two out of the three floors of the school, rather than actual vote count.

You can tell this isn't true, because if such a party existed, Trump absolutely would have been there to give a speech, and it would have been carried live by every 24 hr news network.

Sure, when Pickle asks how much monny you have it's cute, but when Mueller does the same thing it's a federal crime.

I voted for HW in my 2nd grade mock election, and it's still probably my biggest regret in life.

My favorite part of the AV Club write up about this list is that Pearl Jam and Jack White are obviously deserving shits, but 311 is a sacred cow finally getting their comeuppance.

Seriously, what even is this? Are they just trying to generate outrage by attacking sacred cows? If so, how is that any different than the South Park edgelords of the world that traffic in easy feminist jokes? Or is that the point, to get those edgelords freaking out, then be like "haha, you're hurt by the same thing

No, it hasn't. But this list is still bullshit.

Come to Florida. All the fat ass rednecks won't drink that healthy looking shit, so there's tons of extra stock on the shelves of Publix.

Because you started your conversation by stating that the opposing viewpoint was defending mentally deranged lunatics. That's not how normal people would choose to start a two way conversation.

Pence would be a terrible president because he'd be a generic republican president. He's a terrible, hateful person that would do real damage. And we've dealt with assholes like that before. This is new and far more sinister.

No, you clearly didn't.

Yes, all decent humans are for these things.


Which, what does that even mean? It's clear that he has no clue about any policy. As abhorrent as it would be, saying you "Like his style, dislike his policies" would make far more logical sense.
