The Devil and John Berryman

Silent? You haven't met many of you people have you?

I don't know, pretty much every republican President would do the same. But going to a boy scout rally and turning it into a Hitler Youth presentation is pretty new for anyone in our country.

I loved this episode, and despite this fabulous write up exploring the reasons the plot line exists, it made me realize how much I fucking hate the Dougie story. The episode set in Twin Peaks was the best yet. Who'd have thought.

But you let Homer Glumplich get off on his partner's kid!

I would be able to sleep so much easier at night if I thought for a second he had a clue what he was doing, and was executing a plan that he had thought through. Even if, and most likely, it was a terrible plan, with terrible logic, just knowing that he sat down and thought about it made a decision would be a huge

I smell a Family Ties gritty reboot.

"Approaching," not "we are here and there and I'm in jail for touching a poster."

It says a lot about a group of people that Rick Perry could ever be considered part of the top three.

Jeff Rosenstock is the best and everyone should listen to his music at all times.

If there's an album I'm waiting for, I have it up on Spotify by 9am.

He was mocked by Trump for wearing too baggy a suit on his first day, because he hadn't even finished unpacking yet, when Trump sent him out to lie about the size of his inauguration.

Pivot to video. That's always a great thing, right?!

Doing anything even remotely physical exponentially increases the chance of his heart exploding. So there's that!

If it could happen in the racial utopia of the 50s it certainly can't be bad!

We get it, you're super edgy and no one is as cool as you. You can stop trying to hard now.

At least it's better than those selfish pricks with cancer, amirite? You're truly a piece of shit.

I think you and the people you hang out with need some new material.

True, making music I don't like should be a death sentence.

They probably aren't even in the top 100 most mocked bands from that generation.

I outgrew this sort of music before Linkin Park came around. But you have to respect a band that came out of a genre as instantly dated and rightfully mocked as late 90s rap-metal, and was able to put out record that got play on top 40 Pop radio stations almost 20 years after they started. Can you imagine Korn having