The Devil and John Berryman

No matter what, we'd be on week 25 of Benghazi hearings, and there would be a national crisis over one of her pantsuits being too light a color.

At least he's a consistent fuckwad, and isn't doing mental fuckwad gymnastics to justify complying.

You see, the GOP started being proudly, loudly, not at all hidden, completely fucking hypercritical, and it didn't cost them a god damn thing. They have zero motivation to ever do anything except make sure they stay in power, even if it means selling out everything they claim to stand for.

I sort of get the need to act like an evil Bond villain while running for office as a republican. You need to get your awful base excited enough to support you in the primary, and that's no easy feat. But once you're in office, they're never going to vote you out. Isn't there one republican, just fucking one, that can

Why, that's exactly what I mean! At least the Pacers exist to make them look slightly better.

I don't know, have you seen the mid '10s?

"We walked past a homeless person, and he didn't even spit at them! Can you imagine?!"

My wife is a MASSIVE Cubs fan, and as she was crying in happiness after the win, I reminded her that Trump had the same chance as winning as the Cubs did down 3-1. She turned white as a ghost and said she'd trade it all back to save us. She is a better person than you, is what I'm saying.

I have a theory they're going to win somewhere in the neighborhood of 85 games, sneak into the playoffs with their shitty division, then win it again. I can't wait to see what hell awaits the world after that happens.

Well, they went a 2nd time (just a few weeks ago) just so the republican members of the team could meet their guy, and it was gross how excited some of the stars were.

The Cubs owners also love Donald Trump, so maybe their love isn't so worthwhile.

As a Sox fan, this was a perfect trade. Each club gets exactly what they need. And somehow the Sox are the third most competent team in Chicago? When the fuck did that happen.

But circle jerks are the only things that give me a brief respite of joy in 2017.

I vividly remember waking up the next day, seeing the Brexit results, and my heart just stopping. That was the first time I realized, my god, this psycho could win this, can't he?

I'm still trying to come to grips with specifically how Trump won. Meaning, there are lots of rich, bigoted, loud, ego maniacal, old, white, assholes in the country. How exactly did this man, who I honestly don't know how he is able to dress himself each morning, sneak in? I get that his wealth opened doors, I get

The polls were more accurate than 2012 though.

This is such a terrible, pointless argument. The idea that democrats that have republican neighbors shouldn't have their votes count is no better than saying that your vote in the general should be weighted heavier the further away you live from your neighbor. And it also discounts all of the blue states Hillary won

Being the most popular liberal politician isn't the same thing as being the most broadly popular politician across a national electorate. It also spotlights how dire the Dem bench is for anyone under 60, which is a far bigger worry for the party.

And I don't get how this is still the driving narrative for so much of the left. Even if you believe this with all of your heart, what exactly do you think you're helping by keeping this alive. "Sure, it's obvious now that we are receding into a black hole faster than anyone could have imagined, and that having

What kind of 4D theater does this guy see movies in?