The Devil and John Berryman

I've seen this critique a lot, but I seem to recall Scarborough always standing against Trump the candidate. Does he have a history of publicly supporting him as a Presidential nominee?

One of my favorite memories as a child is getting Crash Bandicoot for Christmas and staying up all night playing it with my friends during winter break.

He's a white dude who's intimidated by women, was raised by a single mother, who eventually met a super rich dude that really wanted to fuck her and even though she had no interest, he kept showering her and her son with money, to the point that he bought her a house and currently employs her son. He also talks about

Much like everything else about his life, the video of him wandering around, alone, trying to find someone willing to talk to him, like he's the new kid in 2nd grade that everyone is shunning, would be so terribly sad if he wasn't the worst human being alive.

And I love the "oh you think the Clinton's wouldn't do the same thing?!?" line. Well, OK, isn't that why you claim to hate them?!

Since last May.

That's almost his quote verbatim.

I have a cousin that did that, but over gay slurs. Then a few days later posted how he doesn't care about anyone's sexuality, but they are making his life harder because, jeez, why can't they just take a joke, and it really hurt his feelings that people would think he's a bad person just because he says terrible, vile

I do all the time. When I was a kid I would read the Walt Disney World guides every year, even if the family had no plans of visiting. I just loved it as an escape, and I still read various Rick Steves and the like guide books just to learn stuff.

I remember a story on NPR a few years ago about a town in Colorado that went broke, and some rich guy personally paid to keep the street lights on in his neighborhood, even though it was exponentially more expensive than the tax increase the town wanted to keep the lights on in every neighborhood. His reasoning was he

I'm trying to keep an open mind and think of something that I could at least hypothetically understand, even if personally disagreeing with it. And I got nothing. I can't think of a single issue that isn't primarily driven by spite rather than truly believing it's in the best interest of the majority of the country.

No? Winning the popular vote by no means proves that someone is unelectable. That's like saying the Warriors weren't capable of winning a championship because they lost a close Finals series last year.

What do you think unelectable means?

Tread carefully there. She sounds open to completely flipping under the proper pressure, so make sure she stays on the good side.

They are! Registered Republicans are a very small slice of the American electorate.

No way dude! This is the only thing keeping me alive. And every scandal is another few decimal points off the old approval rating, and the further that goes, the more congressional GOPs are going to have to start fearing for their own safety. This is pretty much the only upside in living in this deranged timeline.

By all appearances Biff Tannen's Pleasure Palace is successful, so I don't see how he's similar to Trump at all.

He also won't get us nuked. We have his bigoted ass already. Might as well night get bombed too.

No it's not. And even still, the people picked Clinton. But if the Democratic party was like "ya know what, we want to run this inanimate carbon rod instead" they absolutely could. This shouldn't be fucking rocket science, but I guess we'll never stop tearing ourselves apart to make sure we make no progress in 2018.

Eww, like a liberal would ever step foot somewhere that didn't have their gluten free soy lattes.