The Devil and John Berryman

And having it revealed in an email.

"Having a meeting isn't illegal' "Of course you get all the opposition research you can!" and, of course, "You don't think Hillary would do the same thing???" are the new templated responses.

"Oh c'mon, like the Clintons wouldn't have killed one of Bill's hookers if she talked"

Transferred? The fuck are you even talking about? His wife died and I don't know why you think you get to tell him how he's supposed to live the rest of his life.

Why do we have to adjust our behavior to appease the assholes?

I'm sure the family will be glad to know that a true friend of his deceased spouse is now on the case. The only person that had looking out for her best interest before was her loving husband, but now the real expert is here so we'll all make room for you.

Jesus christ, is there a whole subgroup of people that have an irrational, burning, hatred of Oswalt? You have a lot of thoughts on someone that you claim not to be a fan of. His wife died, he was sad, he said so. What the fuck does he owe to you now?

Oh fuck, now I get why I was getting so many weird looks when I kept yelling "Play Hey Jude asshole!" at the Patton Oswalt show I went to.

Now I understand why you are unable to experience joy. You've never seen Ratatouille!

Even in that instance, maybe a close friend of Patton's could double check that he was OK. But that's not the job for any of us.

It's pretty gross that you're trying to twist this into some sort of Patton vs Feminism battle.

Why do we get to disagree with his life choices? He wasn't giving us his thoughts on health care or how to best help Syrian refugees. He announced an engagement that only affects him, his fiance, and his daughter. Why does anyone else get a say?

Doesn't that describe all of Reddit's user base? Who's left to contribute to those threads?

I guess the part where this is deserving of a write up? Isn't there some bullshit new filter every day that everyone freaks out about for 6 hrs before moving on to the next thing?

Eh, it's a hell of a way to go out. And I can smugly tell everyone "Told you so" while we're in whatever purgatory waiting room makes up the afterlife.

Gross, that stuff is all covered in Pizza Hut grease.

Not your fault. She has those hot girl in hiding nerd glasses. No man can resist that!

Their only concern is chaos, so they're thrilled.

This is what I can't wrap my head around. I could understand the theoretical appeal of a Reagan or a W to a certain segment of our population, even while despising them personally. I still can't get my brain to understand even a hypothetical situation in which this man appeals to these people. He is so much the

No doubt they belong on a list, but if there was some alternate reality Disney movie about a sex offender list brought to life by a witch's curse, Kush is exactly how it would anthropomorphize.