The Devil and John Berryman

I don't have to try. I'm a straight white male. Everyone just gives me whatever I want because it's owed to me.

Yes, news should be nothing except the final findings after a long investigation. I don't ever want to hear about a crime until the sentencing phase. Rubes!

Oh that is absolutely their goal. If the Dems run an actual, honest to god Donkey in 2020, Russia will totally be working to elect it.

Some people find that look attractive. Ivanka, for one, married someone that looks like one of her brothers crossed with a sex offender list.

Working with a foreign enemy specifically to undermine your own country?

The big difference is that Biden doesn't want to electroshock gay people.

You didn't? Someone makes the same comment on pretty much every article, so it would be hard to miss.

Oh, your competent leader isn't enough?

Thank god I have someone to tell me when the Celtics sign a third string center.

So sub sandwiches aren't sandwiches? Tell that to the Subway Sandwich artists.

You pronounce National and North weird.

Criticism isn't sensitivity. When a film critic trashes Transformers for being trash, it's not because they are overly sensitive to the plight of transforming humanoid robots.

How is Death Cab gender neutral? And how are they relevant? They haven't had an album in years, and haven't been part of the "alternative" mainstream in probably a decade.

Cahnget it? What is that, some sort of Illuminati slang?

What's great about Wisconsin is how beloved their home grown craft beer is. You can walk into any dive bar in any part of the state, and they'll have a killer lineup of Wisconsin brews. So he's not even helping his "I'm just a regular guy that doesn't care about fancin' drinkin'" image by buying this swill.

You have to remember that he fucking hates Madison.

So, no one in America then.

And they aren't together in the semi-sequel This is Forty.

I disagree with its inclusion because they don't end up together, per This is Forty.

They were invited by the festival organizer to spread this exact message.