The Devil and John Berryman

You don't understand the appeal of universal, if generic, lyrics with upbeat tempos? I'm guessing you do get it, you just want to appear too cool for school. I don't eat many candy bars, but I certainly understand their appeal or something loaded with sugar and fat.

It's actually possible for some, although not many, apparently, men to be good human beings, even if we aren't trying to get laid by those sweet feminist chicas. It is pretty telling that the dichotomy that you see is between men who want to shout vulgar things at women, and men who want to shout vulgar things at

This should be one of those issues that reasonable people can, and used to, politely disagree over. Now we have one party that wants to literally kill poor people, it's time to start letting in the folks that we only agree with 90% of the time.

They were invited to the festival by the Warped Tour organizer. Probably specifically because girls didn't feel safe with behavior like this. Now, why he also invited the Dickies to play the same show is beyond me.

This would be shitty behavior in any venue. In this specific instance, a feminist group was specifically invited to participate in the festival to help foster a more inclusive environment. The organizer of the festival asked them to come, so to act like they were out of bounds for being there and spreading their

It's pretty gross how even the most liberal men want to close ranks when one of their own is under attack, isn't it? All of these people were probably justifiably irate when Trump said he was going to grab some women by the pussy, but when one of their crusty heroes does it, suddenly we're all a bunch of triggered

The idea that women are anything besides lifeless bodies for old men to ogle?

You forgot the most important part. He's a he.

Teen girls want respect now? Fucking gross!

This has always been the split in the scene. Plenty of people were drawn to it for what was supposed to be an inclusive environment for people that didn't fit in elsewhere.

I'm so sick of you elites partying with worldwide superstars and sex symbols like Chachi. When is it our turn?!

Warped Tour is nothing if not a place for children.

If it wasn't for Trump, the rise of the Bernie Bro would have been the ugliest thing to come out of the election in 2016.

Another purity test that will eliminate any potential nominee.

Democrats: Destroying our own so the GOP doesn't have to!

Yeah, all of those historic blue swings in incredibly red states sure is a disappointment.

There are more than 2 options. The problem is no one ever pays attention until it's Presidential election time, and you aren't going to start a revolution at the top. There needs to be a concerted effort to get more 3rd party candidates elected at a local and state level. But that takes far too much work for most

This stupid son of a bitch lives in one of the biggest dairy producing areas of the world, and he gets his ice cream from Cold Stone? That alone should cause Sconnies to vote this moron out.

It's rather simple, just get taken as a prisoner of war for a few years.

That would require us to believe that Trump did something to benefit someone else. I'd sooner believe the Earth was flat.