The Devil and John Berryman

We only have two ways to express ourselves: through our terrible, terrible poetry, or through our bad ass, unstoppable violence.

The NYT, WaPo, and the like run articles about possible Russian interference, and possible obstruction of justice issues. You may not like those things, but none of those are personal attacks, and are actual news. Let me know when the NYT runs a headline calling him a failing orange president.

Well that's part of the problem. You don't "lash out" for people doing their job as serving as a check against you. He wasn't drafted into this role. He actually signed up for it, and actively campaigned for it over the course of 2 years. Who woulda thought it might be sort of hard.

Me personally, I watch with my own eyes as Trump says and does horrible things and go "holy shit, what a horrible fucking thing."

Do you mean the neighborhood of Hollywood dishes it out? Or are you using Hollywood as a synecdoche for the media? If that's the case, why not just say the media?

Could be, but facts is facts.

I have one edgelord cousin that spends his entire day railing against liberal snowflakes. Then a few days ago, he posts this big long rant that he has no problem if someone is gay, or bi, or transgender, but he really doesn't like being made to feel bad for making fun of them. It just hurts his feelings, and he

It's nice that anytime I think I've seen the most vile thing imaginable, someone is able to top it. Ah, to be an American in 2017, every day is an adventure!

Have you seen the idiots whose votes they need to court? They don't have a fucking clue what they want. They need to be educated, but not too educated, an outsider, but not something too weird. It's time to start blaming the voters for being uneducated hicks instead of the party that's trying to appease them.

But to be fair, they are all morons.

Sometimes I'll read the comments on a WaPo article or NPR article or something, and be sort of encouraged at the ratio of anti/pro Trump comments, that maybe we'll all get through this.. But then I read the comments in my local newspaper and am reminded how fucked we are.

Exactly. Bush was dumb for a President, but could easily be some jackass that lived on your street and made a ton of money in sales, or something. I honestly don't understand how Trump is able to dress himself.

We really need to stop assuming that Trump has any fucking clue what he's doing. It might be sort of perversely reassuring to think that he has a plan, even a horrible one, over realizing he has a brain that only thinks in 5 second increments and he is legitimately one of the dumbest people alive.

Just on that day? I'd wake up, get stoned, listen to the Hamilton soundtrack, and uncontrollably sob for the better part of 2 weeks.

I know someone from Indiana that says it, but that's because Indiana really wants to be the south.

To be fair, that was never true. It just got spun that way by a lot of news organizations that didn't understand probability.

To be clear, Mr CIA man, I'm not rooting for him to be killed. At least not by a person. Choking on a Big Mac while angrily watching MSNBC, however…

Any time America kills a terrorist and everyone goes and celebrates, I always found it ghoulish. Like, yeah, I'm glad Bin Laden is dead too, but it still seems weird to party in the streets. I get it now.

At some point, even if you agree with this flaming garbage, wouldn't you want him to get around to actually doing all that evil shit you want him to do? Like "Ha…yeah…those lame fucks in the lame stream media…but, Uh, can I have my tax break now?"
