The Devil and John Berryman

Givin' it the ol' McCain try.

I get that his business success isn't as great as he tries to claim. But the fact of the matter is that he had a recognizable brand that was at least successful enough to land it's name garishly emblazoned on sky scrappers across the world. Just as someone with even a moderate eye for branding, you'd think he'd know

Won't care? They'll cheer this shit on. She's a woman and in the media?? He's being compassionate by allowing her to not be jailed.

Make America Skank Again

Like you have to explain that to me.

To them, it would just be further proof that the invisible hand of capitalism took care of their needs without government interference.

My one die-hard Trumpster coworker constantly complains about the manager in her office that does no work, bullies his staff, acts super creepy around all the women, and feels entitled to do whatever he wants. The last time she said that I said that sounds familiar, and I don't think she got it.

What if Obama said he voted for Trump, and he loves everything he's done so far, and he can't wait to see him serve our country for 8 years? Trump would probably quit on the spot.

Yeah, that's pretty off base. He's perfectly happy with other rich white men having everything as well. Get your facts straight Sammy.

You know a lot of health care plans on sale for $300 for two years of use?

And he wants to run for Utah Governor in 2020, so he needs to stay clean.

Just the standard old conservative white guy victim complex.

I'm not saying she had any direct cause. I'm saying you don't get to put literal targets on Democrats, then turn around and break your monocle when another attack happens and no one was even 25% as incendiary as you were.

My bro went to school in the middle of nowhere with a bunch of hicks. One of them gave him a bullet, as one does. He through it in his backpack and never thought of it again. Years later TSA was like "umm…what the fuck?," after traveling the globe without a question previously.

Such a product does not exist sir. I think you must have dreamed it.

On one hand, you're right that even a dementia riddled Reagan had more usable brains than Trump. But they both were masters at getting the middle class to fuck itself for the sake of the rich, and both had no place being in politics to begin with.

Trumpcare is all a ruse by the NRA! We'll all stop complaining about the mass shootings when we realize how much more humane that is than slowly dying of a curable illness.

Putting cross hairs over liberal voting districts seems pretty explicit. When all the pearl clutchers on the right came out after the Arlington shooting claiming they would never dare incite violence in their followers, it was perfectly acceptable to be like "uhh…but remember this?"

Pure Twilight Zone is supposed to be a bad thing? Sad!

You like adjectives a lot. Maybe a little too much.