The Devil and John Berryman

Maybe the worst part about 2017 Trump is it makes me watch clips of 1988 Trump and wish we had the guy that could at least string together two coherent sentences. And that's a terrible thing to wish for.

He's like Phil Jackson, in that they are both desperately trying to get fired so they can just go retire to the beach, and for some reason their bosses won't listen.

He's broken every other rule of society and it hasn't taken him down. He'll live to be 160, living on nothing by Big Macs and spite.

Remember when the left called Johnny Depp a piece of shit for abusing Amber Heard, and the right embraced him because you can't trust those lying women? You don't get to return him now.

To be fair, that is essentially the logic of swing voters that swung for Trump this year.

Uh, it wasn't "designed" to work, or it was purposefully left to writher and die by a party so petty it prefers literal death to giving their opponents a "win"?

Stop giving the GOP ideas. Ted Cruz is currently seeing if it's possible to print the bill on bullets in exchange for his vote.

Of course they will! In 8 years, after the country is on the brink of extinction. And then when things aren't fixed in 2 years, a whole new wave of evil people will be brought in during the midterms because the Dems couldn't fix their mistakes fast enough. It's the perfect system!

They might as well just introduce a bill that replaces healthcare with an allotment of free bourbon for all of age adults. At least it will help us forget the terrible condition of our personal and national health.

It's not uncommon for summer blockbusters to come out midweek, especially when the target audience is dumb kids that aren't in school.

Like all of America in 2017, it's amazing how much further we can fall after we thought we hit rock bottom.

It happens across all of my browsers. And it just reloaded my whole page when I tried commented. It knows I'm bad mouthing it. I'm sorry Disqus, I'll miss you!

When it works it's not terrible. But, it took me about 15 minutes to reply to this comment because when I first tried to comment it disappeared, then every time I tried to go back in the entire page would reload after a few "load more" clicks. Then there are the times it just randomly logs me out and won't let me back

Way less uncontrollable crying in 2011.

You think alt-right troll spam is bad now? Just wait!

I'm taking two weeks off of work to copy all of my old comments then paste them back into their original articles. Don't be lazy.

"The display of death in your centuries old play is disgusting! As such, you should be put to death."

I have a coworker that is still, somehow, fully aboard the Trump train. Nevermind that she's female, college educated, lives in a major city, and is firmly in the middle class economically. Just the other day she tried convincing everyone that Trump isn't an idiot, but the media has just done a great job of making

I received my first internet death threat this week, which was fun. I was legitimately freaked out because it was in the Facebook comment section of a local alt-weekly newspaper, so this person is supposedly in the same metro area as me. And because it started on Facebook, I had the sudden realization how easy it is

I've been having lots of tropical fruited gose's lately, and those can be a delight. They taste my like juice than anything.