The Devil and John Berryman

I live not far from Disney World, and tourist think the magical bubble of Disney extends into the real world streets. Every single day on the road nearest the park you see pedestrians not only crossing on a red, but not even looking. They just keep walking, because no one could be hit by a car adjacent to the happiest

People should be letting other people in where it's legal and necessary. It drives me insane when a lane is merging and people don't follow the "zipper" pattern, but just try to box out their own space. But allowing someone without the right of way into a situation is a recipe for disaster if not everyone else on the

You are 100% right! For one, it's dangerous. You may be breaking the rules to "help me," but no one else on the road has a clue what you're doing, and you could cause some major accident. You follow the rules, I'll follow mine, and we're cool.

Wouldn't it have been easier to just build him his own parking spot slightly closer? It's like he had to go out of his way to be a douchebag in the douchiest way possible, just cuz he could.

"So you want to declare an entire region of the country, one a high
percent of America's black population is in, bad or lacking in charm?"

I do admit that the second time I watched Up I went "wait, what? Was that always there??" But at least they provide in movie logic for the existence of the technology.

The joy of Pixar was always that they were so much more than just silly cartoons. It's why the Cars franchise in particular has always been the most reviled, because they are the only films don't strive for something greater.

Draymond is turning into a caricature of himself, sort of like later years Rodman. I'm fine with players showing emotion and being angry, but LeBron's "what, me????" face to the officials is what drives me nuts. It's the entitlement of it all.

I do think the people bellyaching that he (or KD) would dare to choose what team to play for just have trouble accepting that a black athlete could have their own agency.

Eh I don't know. LeBron is so much easier to appreciate if you aren't watching all of the games. On an abstract level, yeah, obviously the dude's the best player in the world, and anyone trying to argue that is insane. But then you watch him play, and you remember he's such a whiny, soar loser, that complains when

"I've been working this internship for 5 years, can I get paid in real money instead of college credit? I'd like to move out of my parents house at some point." - Millennial

Isn't that what I said?

I wasn't a regular pot smoker until last October, and I can't even fathom life without it right now.

Bravo has a reality show called Southern Charm. Even by the network's incredibly low standards, it has to be one of the most offensive, most overtly racist shows on mainstream television. Maybe it's just time we admit that the south is only charming if you think old timey racism is quaint.

Do President's go through customs and get their passport stamped on foreign visits? That's never even occurred to me before, but now I love the image of a grumpy Trump queuing up and getting super agitated at the process.

Or you just rewind your DVR.

There is a picture of Alex Jones on top. That should have been enough warning.

The glamorization is precisely what bothers me. The plantations are directly entwined with slavery, and the romanticization of them just seems like the easiest, most socially acceptable way to give slavery a pass.

I've been looking at every newswrire article seeing if this is being discussed yet. The AV Club's been silenced by Big Coal!

Did you watch Morning Joe today? That actually played that clip going into commercial.