The Devil and John Berryman

Unless O'Neal is writing it, I don't think anything of importance is added in most newswires. It's mostly just some "here's shit Trump is up today, discuss."

I still have no desire to listen to power metal, but I have a great desire to read more of your thoughts on power metal.

It's a state of mind.

I'm not saying he'll win! In fact, that's pretty unlikely. I just don't see that part of his base abandoning him that quickly. It's going to be up to those suburban moms to realize "oooh shit, yeah, he is pretty fucking awful, isn't he?"

I think that probably happens in 2020. If, oh jesus I don't even want to type this, somehow he's still President (and the world somehow still exists) in 2024, the Dems would win in a landslide. It takes two election cycles for most demographics to admit they've been conned, but once they realize it, they raise hell.

So you'd rather they throw together 500 words just for the sake of doing it? These wouldn't be posted until Monday afternoon, and I don't really care what a writer at the AV Club thinks about an issue they've had 12 hrs to digest, but that Oliver's team has been investigating for weeks. This just seems like

It's cool how copy and pasting your own comment every single week isn't at all lazy and predictable.

It took me several read throughs of your comment before I realized you weren't trying to be funny. This is precisely the type of government our VP would love to have set up in a few years.

For a bunch of macho alpha dudes that hate whiny little snowflakes, I've never meet a group of people more scared to own up to their opinions. Until November 9th, I never met a single person willing to admit to liking Trump. Just people that "are open to hearing from an outsider, even if I don't love all of his

I don't really get this weekly complaint, as I don't really see the point in covering a weekly news show. Putting these here each week, with links to the appropriate videos and minimal write up/work, seems completely appropriate.

Not haha funny I guess.


No one said being a racist inbred hick made you poor.

I do occasionally go to Wal-Mart when I realize I'm out of bananas or something and it's midnight and everywhere else is closed. But jesus christ, do they go out of their way to design their stores to look as much like suicide in building form as possible?

Time out of his schedule to honor a drug dealing Illuminati member, and to bash hard working white folks! Of course he has time for that!

Point of order, I'm plenty biased against suburban and urban Wal-Mart shoppers as well.

I'm not saying Amazon isn't evil, but they are no Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart's entire pay model is dependent on subsidizing their worker's salary with government welfare.

I live in a suburb known for being full of super rich assholes, but on the newly developed unincorporated (read, not rich) outskirts. The main part of town is covered in lakefront mansions that start around $10m, and go much, much higher. During any election campaign you see these homes littered with GOP signs, some

I've been contemplating leaving the state recently, and honest to god, one con against the move I keep coming back to I need my Funky Buddha. Plenty of states have fantastic beer, but I've never had anything as consistently great as FB.

Was the fiscal reason she didn't like having a fiscally stable society? Cuz that's the only reason that would make sense.