The Devil and John Berryman

And, ya know, Palin was a VP candidate, and not the host of CNN's New Year's Eve countdown.

He was posting about this in the Colbert/"Melania" thread earlier.

When certain sides of the aisle say we need our firearms to protect us from our own government, how exactly do they think that looks?

GOP members: "I dunno, prob take em away from brown people or something?"

You always say that? Why?

It was a political act.

Fire was returned, of course, by professional fire returners. And not Joe Congressman, or some other random good guy with a gun.

Disagreeing on tax policy is normal politics that shouldn't cause any ill will. Wanting to kill millions of people because they are too poor to line your pockets is evil.

Fuck that, being better than scum has gotten us nowhere. I hope no mass shootings ever happen, anywhere. But if they are gonna, might as well happen to the people fighting for the right to keep mass shootings around.

Children and spouses that are a key part of his team are fair game. Leave Barron and Tiffany alone. The rest can fend for themselves.

So…sort of like all jobs, then? I have a job that makes my CEO rich. Am I allowed to be loved?

To some extent, yes. But the internal logic of Cars holds far less water. Wreck-It Ralph, like Toy Story, Finding Nemo/Dory, and many other Pixar/Disney films, takes place in an otherwise real world where the video games/toys/animals/whatever come to life. Cars doesn't exist in this universe, and instead takes place

But wasn't the entire purpose of the term to automatically shut down anyone you didn't agree with because you thought having empathy made you a pussy? What is the original meaning if you think it's been perverted from something?

Calling it a gray area gives these toxic dudes way, way, way too much freedom. You don't get to perform sexual acts on someone without consent. Period, full stop. Now, lots of men think that's a gray area, and that's just terribly depressing, and they need to teach this shit in schools. Rape, don't do it!

No, that was surprisingly fine. As soon as the Apprentice host took 10 steps off the plane in the hot, humid paradise climate, his old, incredibly out of shape, fat body just completely shut down, and he spent the entire shoot curled up on the floor of the shower. It was really sweet.

You need to disrupt everything! Even basic human dignity! It's the startup way!

Pretty sure plenty of people complain about it when "we" do it too. But thanks for the shifting goal posts.

The annexation of Crimea, shooting down Malaysia Airlines Flight 17, hacking at least one of the major political parties in the US during an election.

Scare quotes? Unironically calling news they don't agree with propaganda? Brainwashed? I got alt-right bingo!!

They were able to put together one of the most sinister false flags of all time, but dammit, they can't quit get their toilet rentals done right.