The Devil and John Berryman

A DAY after Orlando (which would make today the anniversary, yay!), I saw a bunch of stuff pop up about how it was all clearly produced on a sound stage. My shit for brains cousin didn't really offer any explanation as to why my neighbor was now dead if he was just an actor. Other than the good ol' "I'm not saying I

He clearly explained why, due to the temperature of her sexual organs. That's totally appropriate to this discussion, right?!

Americans don't believe the light. The light is mainstream media propaganda, and really there are a bunch of different lights, and we can use whatever one we think is the prettiest.

Their acts of war?

It's probably much easier than that. "Here, have a hooker. We cool?"


The only time I've ever seen RT is in hotels. But, like, every hotel. Are they all owned by Russia? It's just so odd.

Except governments are literally a team of rich white men working to keep everyone else out. Son.

Uh, like not getting to be objects that appear for the sole purpose of entertaining white men. I've gone beyond thinking you're naive to understanding you're just being purposefully daft.

Except it is likely she would be running on an extremely female unfriendly platform.

There's nothing illiberal about wanting equal and fair representation. Once the working class in the Midwest realize their factories aren't coming back they'll stop acting like that's the reason they voted for him.

I get it, it must be tough being both a comic book fan in this era, and a Trump fan, knowing that Trump is almost literally a comic book villain at this point. But you don't get to make up your own history, because, dude, ain't no way are you marching for civil rights based on the comments you've made.

Hey, ever since Hillary won, we've all been forced into the reeducation camps for our required daily 4 hours of feminist reading. What reality have you been living in?

Or what this article even is.

It's funny that people complain when the AV Club covers too much outside of pop culture and also when they write too much about pop culture. It's almost like they'll never appease these assholes.

Gah, you've cracked the code! All of those articles critical of Melania and Kellyanne were just a ruse!

It's not in a critics job description to think critically? I feel like that's not right. And I'm a white male, so what I say goes.

I have a male coworker that is in most ways a terrific teammate. Good at his job, supportive of all of his coworkers. Personally, he has a great family, politically is a left leaning moderate. But every single time we get a new woman in the office he feels the need to send me a link to her Facebook page and comment on

Yeah, it sure is a head scratcher that you managed to inadvertently piss a bunch of people off. That doesn't seem like your entire shtick or anything.

Part of the problem is so few men, even the smart, well intentioned ones, don't see what's wrong with that. For some reason men really want to protect their right to "compliment" women, but don't feel inclined to listen when they respond back "please stop, we don't consider that a compliment."