The Devil and John Berryman

Can that just be required for all dudes, no matter their profession?

So you've literally never been here then? This is our thing. It's not like we're using our English degrees professionally.

I've seen some analysis that says they have very little chance of winning. But this could also drag on for a while and continue being a cloud, limiting his ability to enact any legislation. And there is a chance that the case could drag his tax returns into the light. So even if they don't "win," they might win.

Yeah, obviously. It's when people use sexist/racist/whatever other biased language in their critique when it gets dicey. And boy do they like to use that language.

I feel like you really don't hate to say that.

What, your stable government an adult leader isn't good enough for you?

And this is what drives me batty with some of the younger progressives that are just starting to follow politics. I'm sympathetic to their cause, because for the most part I agree with them, but they don't understand that the GOP has been planning this for literally decades. If a Dem makes a 20 point swing in a deeply

Whoa! Brutal Obama hot take!!!!!

No, you see, Black people are the establishment, because, uh…they wanted to be treated like humans? Hang on, wait, I have this written down somewhere…

I honestly wonder what my piece of shit, Trump & Slipknot loving cousin thinks of this. Which is the first time I've ever had that thought in my life.

Thank you. And fuck. I also appreciate the Ronald Reagan paraphrasing. They sure know their audience!

Where did they announce this? Not that I don't believe you, I just want to go there to register my impotent rage.

Sure, just don't bitch when you can't afford your own house, lazy millennial.

Don't give your movie a porn name then get upset when people walk in expecting porn.

We need to get him on TV in a golf Pro/Am. If there's one thing grumpy old white men hate more than women and minorities, it's people cheating at golf. Some red state kook would be on the phone with the USGA within seconds.

You're right, you are that guy.

Trump being depressed and alone in the White House has been a big topic of discussion because of how it has affected his behavior. The good news is he'll be slightly less miserable, which means there is a slightly smaller chance he'll nuke a country just to have something to do. But the bad news is his body seemed

There's no way he's not trolling his parents wearing that shirt.

Us dudes will say anything to justify this sort of shit, won't we?

Wait…what?This is what passes as necessary evidence now? A cross checked list of the names of every single person that was denied healthcare? No wonder the right refuses to accept there's a Russian scandal, since they haven't all been given a personal tour of the wall of evidence Comey keeps in his bedroom.