The Devil and John Berryman

In fake Paul Ryan's defense, I'm fairly sure Trump truly doesn't know that.

I wonder in what other job that answer would be acceptable to the party of personal responsibility. If I manage to finagle my way into one of these sweet, new, futuristic coal jobs with no experience, then managed trap us all in the mines with my complete lack of experience in dynamite, I'm sure all of these guys

C'mon, we're really going to start piling on elderly dementia patients and a little kid participating in bring your child to work day? Low blow.

"Comey knows how many crimes I've committed, and I'm still not in jail! How can you trust this guy? Sad!"

It's important to remember that those brainwashed turds are a shrinking minority. It's too easy to ask "how does none of this damage him!!!!!" when in fact it does. His approval ratings are already in the high 30s, and will likely tick a few more points down after the events of this week. That means, outside of those

Because May made a complete ass of herself, and completely at her own hand. This is a great step towards a left leaning government, and should be a good example for the left in America that demand 100% progress overnight, otherwise the Dems are failures. Making huge, unprecedented gains is always good, even if you

Except in the mind of Trump's lawyer, Comey did a great job of proactively diffusing any thought that Comey declared Trump innocent. And some liberals on social media calling Trump a liar is different than a former FBI director going on national TV, and with no qualifiers flat out called him a liar.

Wait, the former Director of the FBI repeatedly saying that the President is a liar that can't be trusted, and more details which make a pretty great case for obstruction of justice was a disappointment? What the fuck were you hoping for?

Depends on what the definition of is is.

Then: Where's the evidence?!

He also didn't tell the press about the discovery, Chaffetz did.

"We should expect loyalty from those serving the administration." I've often wondered what Trump is good at, and I think I've figured out it's hiring morons that are really shitty at their jobs.

Whataboutism, take a shot!

Everyone, everyone, in Trump's circle during the campaign was meeting with Russia. What Trump's saving grace might be is that he's an incompetent moron that doesn't pay attention to anything. If he goes on the record of saying I was never in control and I had no idea what they were doing he might be OK. Good luck

Mr. McCain, you just said the quiet part loud.

Everything's coming up Angus (I)!

That makes sense, since Comey went out of his way to help Trump in October. Crack thinking as usual Fox!

I get the impression that Comey is a fair, professional man, that has huge regrets for what he did. Trump, the genius that he is, allowed Comey to go unleashed as a private citizen, and can now dedicate his time to making up for his biggest mistake.

You two, fight to the death for my amusement. The winner can wear jeans this Friday!

Probably on account of them being news organizations, and not a website that is mostly a vessel to post Simpsons quotes.