The Devil and John Berryman

No, because one time Clinton did that one thing. You know, that thing. I don't remember the exact details, but I know it was just disgusting. Can you believe she got away with that?

I live in Florida, and have been known to be pretty sensitive to Florida jokes. But after an election, you get what you deserve. My state sucks, your state sucks, and most of our states currently suck. Stop voting for monsters, neighbors.

Not in a million years. If the voters saw Clinton as shrill, wait until they get a load of Warren.

You should run. Seriously.

I'd love to be inside of their head to hear what they hear when republicans talk. I'm imaging it's mostly Charlie Brown "wah-wah-wahs," with an occasional burst of "RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISTS!!!" and "ILLEGALS!!!!!" coming in clear.

As far as mainstream republicans go, he's pretty terrible. His record on women's rights in particular is appalling. But, he'd be hated on in the way that all normal republicans are hated on. He wouldn't be an existential crisis for the entire world to grapple with.

Citation needed.

No body imagines anything from the Rocketeer.

The number of my wives friends that refer to their husbands "babysitting" their kids while the women are at work is just horrifying.

At this point, while it might not be ALL men, it's close enough to just round up to all and call it a day.

That's kind of their biggest issue though.

I would pay money to hear Trump try to pronounce Champs Elysées.

But what about the three other sides? Or do they all converge in Antarctica, like some sort of sideless, spherical looking thing. What would that be called?

Because they were taught that Columbus discovered America when they were in school in 1965, that means literally everything in their text books was incorrect, so anything that says the opposite is automatically correct.

"Good luck with that new President of yours. He's going to destroy your country. You didn't buy into all of that fascist mainstream media propaganda about Le Pen, did you?!" - Some Australian dude I was standing next to at a grocery store in Paris last week, much to the shock and horror of the friend he bumped into.

They reported when the Godzilla hotel opened in Tokyo. A hotel failing because of a hideous monster isn't all that different.

Thinking that you have any say in how her face and body gets to look is terrible. She did a vile thing, but it's rooted in the exact same mindset that you are showing, that you feel entitled for women to look as you desire them.

You aren't helping. This is pretty terrible.

No. Being a tolerant liberal means you don't ever get to have an opinion, even one backed by facts, because that makes you a hypocrite. You don't ever get to talk back, so then you can get called a spineless cuck. But if you didn't want that, maybe next time don't support equality.

I doubt people are seriously more upset with her than ISIS. But this is also a solvable problem with a single, terrible, garbage person, rather than some millennia old religious war with no easy answer.