The Devil and John Berryman

"That's a touch ironic, no?"

Fielding serious candidates seems to be the biggest weakness with most of the American electorate.

"There are cities outside of Chicago."
"No there aren't." - Someone that's driven the entire god damn state.

This economic and political system that produces opportunities for young people; are you implying it exists in the western world?

They have? I think crackers are doing just fine in the murder category.

You are rich. I don't have any ill will towards you for it. It sounds like you've earned it and have a great life for your family. But you are rich.

I don't think most people are complaining about rich people. They are complaining about people that have financial security, quality healthcare, and a well paying job, and they still complain about being the victims. Have a billion dollars? Cool! Have a billion dollars and complain that some poor unwed mother gets a

My best friend at work unexpectedly/expectedly died yesterday. Unexpected because when I went on vacation 2 weeks ago I had no reason to believe it would be my last day working with her, and that the whiskey I bought her in Ireland would never get drank. Expected because the day I left for vacation she got in a nasty

I think the average millenial just doesn't watch anything not on a streaming service. I had the Netflix DVD plan but just got rid of it, since it was more of a chore to have to watch the movie they delivered in a timely manner than it was fun. I often get coupons for cheap movie rentals on Google, so that's my main

But they still do screw over a hell of a lot of people, and charge double to three times the price in the process. Can't someone be, like, not shitty?

"I don't see how that's any worse than literally every other news station trying to bring down Trump's presidency with hundreds of stories from "unnamed sources" and no accompanying evidence whatsoever."

You don't see how an internet conspiracy theory is different from national and international intelligence agencies believing there is at least some reason to be suspicious? That's…interesting.

My favorite part is finding out what new way Trump supporters are getting royally fucked over by Trump policies. It's the little things!

That's a nice thought. But in reality the response would be "um, don't you know that Clinton might have maybe committed a capital crime before as well? Huh, did ya? Liberal hypocrite."

I really don't think it is. If Jeff Probst or Ryan Seacrest were to suggest that all Mexicans are rapists or that Obama was a secret Kenyan Muslim, I'm sure the AV Club and every other pop culture site would cover it. If they somehow managed to get elected president off of those absurd comments, it wouldn't make it

This is an all hands on deck scenario. You know how in an important playoff game, baseball teams will often bring in their best starting pitchers as relief pitchers? Sure, they aren't the most comfortable in that position, but it's similar enough, and everyone is needed to avoid elimination.

So you know how cool and detached they are!

So, what about our history suggests we'd learn a fucking thing from disaster?

They don't? I've been reading this entirely inappropriately then…

They aren't a fucking news organization. They don't have a newsroom updating breaking news at 3 am. Jesus fucking christ.