The Devil and John Berryman

Some stuff from people I thought were better than that.
-America, since 2016

This doesn't seem like the best vehicle to air those frustrations.

Thanks drunk donut room talk and everyone knows it. PC snowflakes.

Seriously what the fuck is wrong with you.

Now that's a good Buzz impression.

Both Trump and anyone else who isn't Trump who eat meat well done deserve all the hatred we can find.

Yes you certainly sound like someone with lots of class.

I think it's just as likely Ryan read the shirt and loved it.

Wouldn't it be cheaper to just pay sad southeners to clap for him in airplane hangers, and not have to deal all of the president stuff he hates?

Fans of child abuse videos on YouTube is a category of person? Jesus.

But most members of the "media" don't want to slaughter gay people or women that have abortions, and that's really all conservative voters care about.

We'll always find new depths. In 15 years we'll probably elect an actual, proud, wears the full uniform Nazi, and we'll pine for the days when we had a president that had the decency to at least not admit to being a Nazi.

Can you provide citation for literally any of that? Let's start with the claim of smart, successful businessmen and go from there.

I guess, if Clinton brand is bland, uninspiring, but ultimately filling and nutritious can of soup, and Trump is the knock off brand that expired years ago, has been sitting in the sun, and will rot your insides with one taste.

But that doesn't even making sense! Even if it was built by a group that doesn't make it a monument to that group. Unless every building ever is a monument to contractors.

I'm going to give some of your views far more credit than they deserve. I too immediately thought of burqas, and I don't think that was unintentional. But it also looks a hell of a lot like traditional Christian clothing, like habits, which was also obviously intentional. If there was a point to be made about Islam in

I'm just mostly impressed that he seems to know what faux means.

I still can't believe they killed that show, it was the best thing on ESPN radio. With SVP there to balance him out, the frat guy that lucked into a radio show vibe worked. Paired with even frattier, douchier guy, it was just a disaster. And for what? So SVP could go on TV at midnight?

Schilling and Broussard were also terrible at their jobs, Broussard famously so.

I would but the lines at my local Target are always so long with all their paying customers I don't think anyone there has the time,