The Devil and John Berryman

It was so gross! It was almost like he was a human or something, with emotions, and pride! Ewww!

This seems to be the consensus hot take, and I feel like I'm living in an alternate reality. Although, to be fair, I've felt like that since November. In what fucking world is ESPN, ESP Fucking N, some liberal haven all of a sudden? I usually turn the channel as soon as some ex-jock starts talking because it's usually

Oh. What?

He would have a great show if he didn't insist on having a proud moron as a cohost just for the "LOLs." I do genuinely appreciate how the show tries as much as possible not to be just another ESPN cliche machine.

He embodies all that is terrible about sports media, and he being fired almost makes up for the rest of the bloodbath.

I was refreshing the running list on Deadspin all day in hopes of seeing Kanell's name pop up.

Mike Martin might as well just announce his campaign for Presidency right now.

If the current president is allowed to cash in on his power, I see no reason why a former president couldn't.

Yesterday when it was announced that Jeb Bush was in the group that purchased the Miami Marlins, my first thought was "aw, Jeb Bush. He wasn't a terrible guy." Then my next thought was "Oh fuck you Trump for lowing my standards to nothing."

Freshman year, and I'm a total weirdo. 14 was not a good age for me, especially for my skin. Then the gods smile upon me and sit me next to Emily in Bio. Forget out of my league, we aren't even playing the same sport. She's dating the preppie star of the soccer team and hangs out with the coolest kids. But she was

Bomani Jones is so great that I wish he wasn't stuck in the sports world. The man should be running for office, not talking about the NFL in April.

No more Danny Kannell! I'm sad for everyone else that lost their job today, but that alone almost makes it worthwhile.

I can't get his page to load on my work computer. I suppose there should be some security firewall, but I've never ran into this issue before.

My cousin tried to tell me that my neighbor that died in the Orlando shooting was an actor, so I shouldn't be too upset about it. And that was the end of our relationship.

It's likely that the grasping at conspiracy theories is the symptom of a larger issue. Is there some sort of new stress in your friend's life? Just yesterday Vox had an interview with a psychologist that has done some research into the allure of these sorts of conspiracies. http://www.vox.com/science-…

“When people say they’re Ravenclaw, they really think they’re Gryffindor but they don’t want to seem too braggy.”

The one thing we can agree on!

I'd like to purchase one of these passes.

Besides ignoring them, I guess I'd be curious of the logistics of how one would have a government that doesn't interfere with churches while also establishing legal religions.

Then yes.