The Devil and John Berryman

It also has shows about cooking and eating pot!

I could say the same to you, with your willfully placing your head in your ass about the mountains of evidence of Trump officials meeting with, then lying about, Russian officials.

That's not what the "controversy" is even about. The claim isn't that Susan Rice ordered taps on specific people on Trump's team. It's that people from Trump's team that were dealing with foreign nationals already being watched by our intel agencies had their identities unmasked. There may or may not be a legitimate

Uh, yeah, I guess that would be a controversy if it were to ever happen. Of course, it hasn't. But it would be!

It's a story that does not rise to the level of controversy, at least with the facts currently available. And every news organization has discussed it. It was a main topic on today's Morning Joe.

I could be making this up, but I feel like it would be available on Netflix within a few days of it's original air date, at least in the first season.

The cool part about drug testing welfare recipients is how much extra tax payer dollars are wasted to root out the less than 1% using drugs. It's excessive government spending AND needlessly cruel to our poorest citizens. Something for people of all political stripes to love!

When he wears them they are just diapers.


Explain what is wrong with that logic.

Ok, here's one, from three days ago. They are not so nicely edited in the original:

Probably lots of things repeatedly over the course of your entire miserable life.

Comment/username synergy off the fucking charts.

The decaying mall in your home town.

And now he's in a Nazi internment camp. What a sad story.

Clearly gang activity is an issue, in parts of Chicago especially. But to claim they are "taking over" is just fucking absurd.

Most will wave it away as some arcane rule that will never affect them, will help business, and pisses off liberals, so it can't be that bad.

Now that Trump is allowing their internet history to be sold, they don't want to run the risk of an advertiser thinking they are some lowly AV Club liberal.

That sure sounds like a policy that wouldn't all be abused to send away any enemy of the state for an indefinite amount of time with no trial.

Nobody has said he can't speak because of his job title, just that he sounds like a moron.