The Devil and John Berryman

Jesus Christ you fucking moron. At least spell you're own moronic portmanteau correctly. I do wonder why we're called libatard, because that's not a fucking thing people are called, even by brain dead illiterates that think libtard is funny.

I swear when I wrote almost the identical comment I hadn't read this first. Just order the meatloaf or whatever the fuck it is you actually want.

Sure, it's sort of silly. But it's also indicative of his entire persona. He thinks rich people are supposed to eat fancy, expensive steaks. But he has no idea how or why they do this, so he defaults to performing like a child. No body that enjoys the taste of meat would eat it well done, so he's doing it for the show

I have an honest question. Seriously, I really want to know this. How come so many Trump supporters, especially ones a bit older, use the ellipsis in place of nearly all other punctuation? Hitting the period three times isn't any easier than hitting it once. I'm convinced that unlocking this mystery will allow us to

Disney dragged their feet building it too. It was a panic move made to counter Universal Studio's first Harry Potter land. Since that time Universal has opened a 2nd Harry Potter land in Orlando, and two more worldwide, while Disney was bumbling around Pandora, hoping that it would get popular again, somehow.

Anybody that uses ketchup on a steak belongs in jail, anybody.

No offense, but you're a fucking monster.

No, I live in reality.

Also, I'm pretty sure molesting a child is illegal. But a law that says they can't go into a bathroom? That's one they'd definitely follow.

I really wasn't trying to have a bit. The man was on tape saying he can grab pussy if he wants. He proudly admitted to walking into the dressing rooms of Miss Teen USA contestants. He's told 10 year old girls he'd be dating them in ten years. If that doesn't scare you, but you are concerned that some stranger is

That's why it's the perfect issue for them. It's creating a (horrible, hateful) solution to a problem that doesn't exist, which requires liberals to go "Umm…well, what the fuck is that?" and then republicans get to paint them as some out of touch elites that care more about the 1% of transgender population than they

Well, one side is fighting for basic human rights. And the other is scared of something they know nothing about and has never affected them. Both sides do it!

If they were that concerned about a mentally ill man hurting their daughters, they wouldn't have voted for Donald Trump.

It does help when they are, you know, actual bigots. I realize they might not even know that about themselves, but that doesn't make them any less bigoted.

Maybe don't click on articles with the words "trans activist" in it if it's so triggering to you? You can probably find a Chrome extension to do it for you.

Republicans make up horrible, needless, discriminatory bills. Liberals, rightfully, call bullshit. They aren't "pitting" you against republicans, they are pointing out how great of a job republicans are at doing that on their own.

I'm honestly trying to think what their eventual spin is going to be. That this will allow independent, mom and pop pot dealers to flourish again after Big Pot is taken down?

My college roommate voted for W in 2000, I'm fairly certain just to be a contrarian asshole. He then turned into the single biggest liberal I knew, mostly because he felt responsible for what happened. So, maybe there's hope?

All I know is that it pretty much wiped out my anxiety. I'm sure there are plenty of people that it wouldn't work wonders on, but it worked wonders on me.

In the good old days, they'd buy disgusting food, make some dude eat it, then film him being repulsed. Now that's journalism.