The Devil and John Berryman

"I'm cool with that." - Jeff Sessions.

I saw a high school kid, probably 16 or 17, wearing a "Make America Great Again" hoodie last night. He ran into some of his friends, a table of black and Hispanic kids, and gave them all high fives and hugs. "Why are they not punching him?!" I thought to myself as I glared.


Which is why this is such a stupid fight for them to pick. They really must plan on crowning Trump King, because they are refusing to even attempt to pick up support from those who might be willing.

Agreed, I'd prefer calling CPAC the Gathering of the Nazis as well.

Rubio might be the biggest dumbass in congress, and that says something. With his age and background, if he could show even the slightest backbone he'd probably be a shoe-in to unseat Trump in 2020. But instead he appears to be content being Trump's little bitch, and refusing to show his face in public. I'm used to

Which of course makes you wonder what the fuck they voted for.

The answer, as always: Freedom!!!*

And they are never punished for it, so why shouldn't they.

The thing about republicans, is so often they don't lie. Trump has straight up been telling us for 2 years that he's an evil goblin. And everyone's like "I may not agree with everything that evil goblin says, but at least he's telling me the truth!" And then the goblin goes and does one of the main things he said he'd

Cis women have been sharing a bathroom transgender women literally their entire lives, and never once worried about it. They just never even knew it existed. The fear comes from thinking there is some new invasion when that is simply not the case.

Watching Bannon's speech yesterday was terrifying. Not for the content, although that was horrifying, but in a way that shouldn't be surprising to anyone. Sometimes it's easy to forget how truly fucked we all are when watching Trump speak, because we get to hear a 30 minute train wreck and laugh at how stupid he is.

I'd have a lot easier time thinking these sorts of people will misinformed but well meaning in their concern for their daughters if they didn't also just elect a proud pussy grabber. And, in the context of sports, didn't support every single athlete that has a sexual assault charge thrown his way.

Ah, the old "if we stop helping other countries we can contribute more to national healthcare" that Britain said "LOL, JK" to the day after Brexit?

It's not giving up. Why the fuck to people look at taxes as some sort of purchase they are making. You are paying for your own safety net. Every other civilized society has figured out how to pay for healthcare, without the hilarious death panels that you are referencing. Hell, I'll even pay Swedish rates if we get

Elect a president that brags about his dick size in a debate and this is what we get.

I have very, very good healthcare provided by my employer. It's incredibly cheap, both out of my weekly paycheck, and what I pay out of pocket to do almost anything. I'm incredibly fortunate, and I know it. When it comes to my healthcare, no one is supporting my existence, other than my company. I understand that it

Again, wrong. I'm not arguing for endless examples. I'm arguing that it's a net positive for the country, the economy and our businesses if we provide fucking healthcare. I know it's hard to wrap your brain around the fact that not everyone wants poor people to suffer for their lack of money, but some of us actually

No. Allowing someone to not die does not require me to give away all of my property. I understand this because I'm not 5 years old, or a selfish fucking asshole.

The very same! He was also a producer for Fury Road. Either he's not reading the scripts for the movies he's financing, or his political ideology is "I don't give a fuck, so long as you pay me." I'm guessing the last one.