The Devil and John Berryman

But what happens when the immigrants buy a $50 ladder? Or what about the majority of illegal immigrants that aren't from Mexico and arrive by plane?

Yes. Because we live in a civilized fucking society. And also having healthy neighbors is good for my community and local economy.

And the GOP should pay attention to what happened during the midterms in 2010.

Dems have the decency to at least act like they care about everyone. R's don't even fucking try, and it still rarely hurts them.

If Republicans were smart they'd just take Obamacare verbatim, call it Trumpcare, then declare victory. Most of the electorate would never question it.

Hey! Now there's some of that fake news you were complaining about.

But none of those places have an awesome comment section.

True conservatives are a myth created by the Koch brothers.

This is a complicated issue which you're oversimplifying in exactly the wrong direction.

You have to give Miller credit. In an administration filled with just repugnant shit bags, he's really making a name for himself as a repugnant shit bag. That takes some effort.

I'm actually starting to suspect that Trump is a secret Kenyan Muslim because of this.

Before they were only aware of the GOP not caring about dead minorities. They never stopped to consider where they might fall in order of importance.

There's no way that's accurate, it's been at least 6 months.

That's not what fake news means.

Well, until now that is. When suddenly the black guy wasn't the face of it, shockingly.

The GOP did this in 2008, for far less substantial reasons, and it's been working out pretty well for them.

Obligatory mention that Treasury Sec. Steven Mnuchin is a long time business partner of Soros. I'd think the loons that think he's behind every political conspiracy would be concerned about that.


He does appear to lean to the right, but he also doesn't stand for any foolishness, and demands logical reason and accountability of politicians on both sides of the aisle.

Yes, if it wasn't for Colmes, all of those grouchy old bigots in the rust belt certainly would have embraced progressive causes. It's not like he was Bill Maher or Anthony Weiner, or some other truly embarrassing spokesman. He was just a regular old white dude that leaned slightly left. That's probably the perfect