The Devil and John Berryman

It is out there. Half of the internet is hate speech from him and his like minded pieces of shit. They voted for our troll president. That doesn't mean they are required to get a lucrative book deal. Jesus christ.

I don't have any friends. I don't want more free time to remind me of my loneliness.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances; also, everyone is guaranteed one book release

There is nothing in the Jezabel article defending incest. If you want to be a cat, what the fuck do I care. I probably wouldn't want to hang out with you, but do your thing weirdo.


A 10 year old boy maybe. Him telling 10 year old girls he'd be dating them within ten years did nothing. And even then, I still think the majority of them would spin it to showing how open and inclusive they are, unlike those intolerant libtards.

Republicans are just going to keep stuffing Trump full of Big Macs and hoping his body does the dirty work they're too scared to do.

Are you suggesting we just give up and drink heavily? I'm totally on board if you are, I just want to confirm.

I can't imagine this is the first time Melbourne's let you down.

No. I Love You, Honeybear was a masterpiece.

The Florida state Congress is currently at war with the tax payer funded tourism office because they hired Pitbull as an official spokesman. For some reason, that I'm sure has nothing to do with his race or genre of music, they believe that hiring a horrible party music singer from Miami to promote horrible party

I could probably count the number of times I previously smoked on one hand. It was just never something that really interested me for recreational use. But around mid October I started having terrible anxiety, like nothing else I ever experienced before. My heart just raced, 24/7, I couldn't concentrate, I was only

Until the quote I was pretty sure this was true. And I still sort of think it is.

I truly don't understand why every blue or purple state moderate republican isn't doing exactly that. You can be one of hundreds of scared, nameless republicans, or you can be the guy that put your country ahead of your party. Fuck, even a piece of shit like Marco Rubio is probably President in 2020 if he had even

This is what has really been bothering me, especially since yesterday. I foolishly thought, maybe this is it, after seeing his off the rails press conference. No way, I thought, could any even remotely sane person not come away from that horrified. And seeing how many fucking assholes just loved it has shaken me to my

I've smoked more pot since November than I had my entire life previously. And it's helped. A lot.

Of his many horrible, horrible, horrible atrocities, that really is near the top.

I mean…it pretty much is now. Accept it or not, but complaining on every article is getting old.

Every story? Like the one about Flynn that got him fired? Or how the choice for next National Security Advisor was like "yeah, no thanks" after watching the press conference? Or how the Muslim ban has been struck down by every court that's seen it? I get it, you don't like those things. It doesn't make them not true.

That sort of makes him a perfect entertainer for the Trump era. Proud incompetence is the new professional.