The Devil and John Berryman

Week?! Is everything going to be better next week?! What great news do you know about??!!

If they don't wait too long, it would be amazing for their brand. They'd be the guys that put country before party! See, we're the good guys! And with that cover they'd be able to push through all of their normal republican toxic shit, and most of the country would be OK with it in exchange for an adult in the WH

oh. What?

You seem like a relatively sane person, despite our differences of opinion. You honestly, truly, can't really think that this is worse than the shit that runs out of the mouth of your President, can you?

Needlenose Ned, at it again.

It's not a sleight of hand, because this is brought up in literally every comment section about Trump.

What about any of the above sound bites, let alone anything he's ever fucking said before, could be described as plain spoken? Plain spoken implies some sort of easy to understand and digest snippets of wisdom. Trump dumps the vocabulary of a 4th grader into a blender then spits them out at random.

If we had a time machine and could try something different, sure, let's see what Bernie would do. But there is absolutely no evidence to support your claim. Bernie likely would have gotten slaughtered. You really think a career politician socialist Jew would have done better in a campaign season when a proudly racist

No. They fucking didn't. Dems voted and overwhelmingly voted for the candidate that represented them. Stop it with this bullshit, it's helping nothing.

"No" - Melania Trump

And if they do it closer to 2020 it might give them enough good will for a Pence re-election.

If they do it too quickly they'll loose their insane rural base. They need enough of a coalition of morons on their side. Otherwise they're completely and utterly fucked for decades, with the demographics on the Dems side and no safety net in the rust belt.

We'll all be dead soon, so it seems like a silly thing to worry about at this point.

There is no way that person knows what pablum means. They copy and pasted that from Milo or some other similar jagoff.

He declared right after the election so he could continue taking unlimited campaign funds. And charging for offices in Trump properties.

If his body doesn't just give up and die in the next four years he really might be some sort of evil space god.

Melania really does just seem despondent and out of it. I can't help but think she had grand plans at leaving him and living off of a huge alimony payment until he dies. And now she's fucking stuck.

Remember when Bush created the worst economy since the Great Depression, and Obama would say "we're working our way out but it takes time", and the GOP was like "ok, yeah, that makes sense. thanks!"? Me either!

Good. Why the fuck would you want sick people coming into the office? Anytime one of my coworker shows up coughing, and we work for a company that allows for paid sick leave, I'm absolutely incensed at how selfish they are. Don't take everyone else down with you.

I enjoy Rick Bayless' restaurants, but I really don't agree with making him in charge of Army chopper pilot scheduling.