The Devil and John Berryman

Snow globe inside Trump's head.

I never knew I was a Demisexual until I saw the Cool for the Summer video.

Unless there is a reason to remain friendly immediately (children, shared custody of pets, etc), I would recommend giving each other space. You can certainly be friendly again in the future, but if you both truly want it to be over, sticking around in each others lives while you sort out your single life is only going

I never once said we should base the worth on humans on the country they are from. But any sane member of the world should want America to not be led by a madman, and should want them not to be in collusion with Russia. It's precisely because I don't think any one country's citizens is better than another that I give

When there's a realistic chance they'll lose in 2018. Based on gerrymandered districts, that's not very likely. So…never.

Yeah, but we might all be gone in a year.

You don't give a shit about US national interests? Ok, well this comment makes perfect sense then.

Every Xmas they release one or two that break from the mold, and they are almost always vastly superior. And the next year they almost never get repeated, so the average viewer clearly doesn't like the change.

100%. The number one way to get kicked out of Trump's posse is to get more attention than him.

And Bannon has a plan and the evil mind to accomplish it.

That's what's truly baffling about Trump. His bar is set so fucking low, that if he just acted like a fucking adult, not even a necessarily good adult, but just a person 18 years or older, he'd be golden. If he stopped being comic book villain evil, and just become standard GOP evil, he'd have a decent-to-good

What's really funny about that is the leaks out of the White House that Trump is being "co-parented" by the two opposing wings, with the establishment GOP on one side, and the insane Nazi's on the other.

I've seen lots of complaints of McKinnon's version of Conway being too regretful, but damn if she doesn't have her crazy, soulless eyes down pat.

A major attack would be the worst case scenario. Obviously, there's the issue of the attack in and of itself. But that would be used to justify pretty much everything Trump has ever dreamed of. What's going to be the undoing of the administration is if manufacturing jobs don't magically re-appear in 4 years. If there

To be fair, he may not believe that. He believed it at one time. But if you asked him today he could give a totally different answer. And it wouldn't even be a lie, because he's so fucking stupid he probably has no memory of the time he spent years attacking the man.

And yet he's doing nothing.

"Yemen!!!!" - Nobody, since it's only an issue when Americans die under the Dems watch.

Most of the right think the Bowling Green Massacre justifies the Muslim ban. And that Obama was born in a foreign country. And that Iraq was behind 9/11. And, well, lots more. They aren't bright.

Wrong! Pence is the sort of generic, asshole republican we've had in the country…well, forever. He's a piece of shit, no doubt, but nothing new. Trump, meanwhile, is pretty happily leading us to the apocalypse.

We already have Pence. Whatever insidious shit he wants to do will get done, regardless. At least there is a significantly lesser chance of the entire world exploding while Pence is at the helm.