The Devil and John Berryman

That's what I still don't fucking get. I read these articles about rural Kentucky, where they are just desperate for help. And I get that. I get that systemic poverty can really have actual, terrible consequences on your health and well being. But…this is what got you excited? Seriously? What the fuck guys? I get that

I'm entertained.

I started doing that, admittedly very passive aggressively, to the one co-worker I have that voted for him. I honestly don't think she even noticed.

Can you imagine if Obama spent his first three weeks in office tweeting non-stop about the need to ban guns? I'm sure everyone on the right would be giving him a chance.

Well, clearly. But everyone left supporting him really wants us to know it's not because they are racist! No, they are horrified by that! But we really just need a good business man, you know??

Anybody that claims they like Trump for his business acumen should be horrified at this tweet. No longer working with a great, but poor performing, person is what some people, Trump included, would call "smart business."You don't get to skip paying your taxes because it's smart, but then get upset when your daughter

It's really sad how much of rural Ohio really, really wants to be Alabama. What the fuck is so appealing about them, you guys?

Shooting your friend in the face while on a hunting trip, and then he apologizes to you for the trouble, is a pretty baller move. I'll give Cheney that.

If it's buried super deep, there's a decent chance no one catches it. When our internal recruiting department is pressed for time I'll sometimes fill in for phone screens when our department has openings. It's hard not to space out after the first few bullet points. And it's unlikely they're looking too far back too

I have serious doubts he can read at a high school level. I'm not being snarky. I honestly don't know that he could keep up in a freshman level English course.

I completely wiped out on a bike ride this weekend. Didn't hit anything, didn't slip on wet road. Apparently I just don't know how to ride a bike despite doing it every weekend. I was going at a decent clip, and took some nasty gashes of skin off of my leg and arm. Luckily I didn't do any real damage to bones or

I understand the politics, and that there are reasons it is super hard to go against your own party if you want to have a future. But I find it hard to believe there aren't some blue and purple state republicans that don't see the long term value in breaking from their party to be a voice of reason. You'd get to brand

That show just made me angry in ways TV shows rarely do. You have
Gillian Jacobs! And Judd Apatow! And then, it's just some weird looking
dude complaining about woman constantly. I couldn't even finish it, and
I'll rarely bail on a Netflix show.

Certainly not like that article is completely tongue in check mocking the entire "John Oliver Destroys!!!" meme or anything.

I think for most people it was "yeah, that was pretty immature….but still…he does have a penis."

That makes complete sense. But, the more former friends that completely turn on Trump, the greater the chance he has a debilitating stroke.

Maybe Trump really isn't a Russian plant at all, but a Lorne Michaels puppet. This was his plan all along!

I'm referring to comments specifically like yours. There was absolutely nothing "decisive" about that victory. I have zero issue with people that preferred Bernie but lived in the real world and understood the critical need to support Clinton in the general. To me, Bernie Bros are the ones that would never let the,

I'd rather read Pierce's future reviews than the Bernie Bro shit he pumps out now. I should just unfollow him on Facebook, but he's such a tragic figure it's hard for me to let him go.

If the media just ignores Trump completely and only refers to the actions of President Bannon, that mother fucker would be gone by the end of the week.