The Devil and John Berryman

A.V. Club The World turned into Talking Points Memo a reality show from hell so gradually quickly, I hardly even noticed but we all tried warning you!

My mom's not, but that's only because she's a hateful bigot and I'm not.

You're setting your sights way too low. If you're white, you should be applying to be President if you have no experience.

Because they are just skipping right over that part. I saw more than a few people support Spicer's presser against those lying tyrants in the media.

I get that it was during the national freakout of "What the fuck, we just elected Trump?!!!!" but it's really a shame how little coverage North Carolina got. The GOP tried to pull some third world country dictator shit. That's fucking unbelievable.

And not all that long ago Hillary Clinton had higher approval ratings than Obama. It's amazing how quickly things change once you're in campaign mode and actively asking people to like you.

They could have just showed up 2 months ago and they couldn't be bothered. We really expect them to stay fired up for 2 years?

Apparently you do, because you're always fucking here.

If they didn't care about the military, would they have just voted for a guy that said POWs aren't heroes? Oh, wait…

But on the plus side, it's nice that no one can say we were complaining for no reason.

No one's surprised, but we shouldn't stop commenting on it every time. Then he wins.

I cracked my last Chinga Tu Pelo at 11:59 today, so the last beer I had in the Obama era was from the south side of Chicago, and the first beer I had in the Trump era was one telling him to go fuck himself.

Joined in 2009, no tweets. This guy is sitting on a gold mine!

Then you'd use a photo from the campaign trail, or of the American flag, or of election night. Not a photo from a campaign event that everyone knew would be much larger than yours. Do you really think that wasn't a deliberate attempt to make his event look better?

When Vox posted that photo there were immediately the posts you'd expect, claiming the photo was doctored, and, also, people probably didn't come because they were worried about violent liberal protestors, but they were there, and you just edited them out!

In this day and age? You mean the fucking day when a vile, repugnant, racist was sworn in as our President? And he was voted in because of, not in spite of, those things? Seriously? You don't get to ever say someone is intolerant or disrespectful again. You'll get the same amount of respect as you gave the rest of

He has no policy proposals. Like, he can say I want tougher immigration, but that doesn't mean shit without any plan. And he has none. You've been duped. Good luck getting a replacement for Obamacare. We're all fucked, hope you enjoyed the ride.

So…now what are you going to do? Your entire existence was based on hating the President and anyone that dared to not hate him. Now your guy actually has to work. Are you just going to sit here and keep reliving your glory days when you got to be the kooky outsider?

I don't give a fuck if they care. If we are going to somehow pull out of this with a functioning society it's important that the arts get supported.

The Z in Newz let's you know how real it is!