The Devil and John Berryman

It's because he's a wax figure come to life.

I read the breakdown of events that led to Podesta's email being hacked yesterday. I don't know why, because it's so fucking depressing. It was bad enough when I assumed that he was an idiot that fell for a basic phising scam. But it was even worse to find out he questioned it, asked his aid to pass it along to IT, IT

Or President.

He's EXACTLY who you'd pick. Someone outside of politics that has a large name recognition to overcome the lack of political infrastructure. Someone with a large audience, but that is easily flattered and manipulated. Someone who's assets are largely tied to your country. I can't think of anyone better suited for the

I'm going to the UK in May and I'm trying to decide if I want to buy all of my pounds now, assuming that the US economy tanks before then.

And even if your motivation is 100% for money…wouldn't it just be easier to run a, you know, better school? Instead of stealing millions from tax payers?

I think there was a sense of relief anytime a horrible but professionally competent person was nominated by Trump.

And isn't it terrifying how relieved we are that he has a basic understanding of his job?

I think most phones will do that automatically based on syncing with Google/Facebook etc. Having a faceless contact really bothers me.

They do exist!

He just has to retweet the oath and he's all set.

If his unfavorables are still at historic depths before the mid-terms anything is possible. Until then, not so much.

Someone that doesn't fail you for only scoring a 99 out of 100 on the purity test.

To a republican? The words "DC", "Women's", "March" and "Party." "After" is still being reviewed.

Being "punk rock" should mean standing up for the voiceless, and not just being a contrarian for the sake of being a contrarian.

I'm sure someone would, assuming that Breitbart tells everyone that "Sleater-Kinney" is libtard code for "pedo sex ring."

All the small states will be dead once they lose the healthcare and social safety nets they all voted to get rid of, despite the fact that it keeps them all alive.

I don't recall the international intelligence community agreeing that Obama wasn't a US citizen.

Just so we're clear, the childish response you're referring to is people going "Huh, it is sort of weird that the candidate with 3 million more votes lost. We should discuss that more." And not the candidate that refuses to acknowledge media that says mean things about him? Got it!

Oh, but it will! All TV will become affiliates for Russian State Television in the next few months.