The Devil and John Berryman

How is that exact thing not happening now? Candidates didn't visit 50, or even 40, or even 30, or even 20 states this last campaign. Unless half of your neighbors disagree with you politically, your concerns aren't important under our current system.

Probably something that would get us banned by the AV Club if we typed it?

Democrats have lost the popular vote one time in the last 16 years, yet only won the Presidency in 2 out of those 4 times. Yeah, really odd they'd have an issue.

The election is already decided by four states. Opening it up the popular vote would allow republicans in California, New York and Illinois to have a voice for the first time in decades. An individual in Wyoming or Montana really has no voice now anyway, because even if you're a republican you're just a drop in the

I guess if you're missing two eyes and a heart.

Independent of this specific incident, I honestly have no clue how Steve Harvey has any fans.

Once I was in San Francisco for work, and saw that the New Pornographers had a show that day. Tickets were sold out, but the venue, Bimbo's 365, said they would release a small number to the public in the afternoon. I had nothing else to do, so I just waited at the doors all day. A few hours in, two old woman walked

If he just hosted the show he'd be barely thought of the same way you barely think of Bobby Flay. His internet notoriety is 100% because of his Times Square restaurant and the infamous review.

But Trump really doesn't respect the office. See: the last 8 years, and how he built his entire political career out of questioning Obama's birth place for…reasons. If we were just mocking Trump for the hell of it, maybe you'd be right, but he'd sure as hell deserve it. But Trump is hated for a wide variety of actual,

If more evidence comes out that Russia had any hand in assisting Trump, calling him on that is absolutely for the greater good, and it's absurd to think otherwise.

Parenthood and Idiocracy.

I don't quite get why people shouldn't be allowed to say "huh, that was sort of dumb" when someone says something sort of dumb.

Unfortunately, for those of us that came of age in Chicago in the mid-90s, that is not true.

I was going to say, finding out Mancow still has a show was the most surprising thing about this article.

It actually is pretty objectively easy, especially when the speakers in question have a very long, very public history of comments for review.

If he didn't want shit on his face he shouldn't have been wearing a face begging for it. I'm sick of you snowflakes telling us where we can and cannot fling our shit. Stop stiffing my shit speech, PC thug.

If identity politics now means anyone identifying as not Rob Schneider, I think we should all agree that identity politics is fucking great.

But you see, that's not at all what Schneider et al. are doing! In fact, they are doing the exact opposite! They are telling people, people that in some cases lived through the Civil Rights era, and in other cases just live through the current iterations of bigotry, that hate doesn't exist because they've never

But you were a dumb kid. Before the election I saw some douchey looking 15 year old wearing a a shirt that had a naked woman covering here breasts with her hands while wearing a "Make America Great Again" hat. At first I was angry at this little asshole. But then, I realized, that being a 15 year old piece of shit is

That's only because there are a shit load of bigots, and they just had their POV celebrated.