The Devil and John Berryman

Things you can't say: bigoted hate speech.
Things you can: pretty much everything else.

Counterpoint: the world gained a video of Martin Shkreli getting shit in his face!

He's been a pop culture punching bag ever since he used his riches to buy the Wu Tang album, then promised to release it if Trump won. He still hasn't done that by the way.

As touched upon in the article, what exactly is the exchange supposed to sound like when one side doesn't want woman or minorities to have a voice? What's the middle ground there? Frankly, throwing shit at these people seems like the most appropriate response to the bile they project.

Typical liberal. Handing out shit that they didn't create and skipping the most deserving citizens.

I can guarantee you'd regret that decision almost immediately. I bet poo guy has at least one awesome story, and probably many more.

The alt right exist solely to fight for the most vile, hateful, disgusting speech to be deemed protected free speech. I say we proudly use these rights they fought to hard to win for us.

We elected a reality show President, so now the entire country is a reality show. Just accept that now.

"Overrated and failing dog shit is desperate to be near the greatness of my great & successful friend Martin! Sad!"

Are you implying that the Cubs don't get outsized national attention? Because that's an…interesting take.


They were insufferable douches without success. Now they're going to turn into every 80s teen movie villain.

Ohhh, you instructed me! My bad! You are an angry little snowflake, aren't you?

I'm sure by January 21st Trump will have invented a new Trump branded award, will present it to himself, and will never be seen in public not wearing it.

I'm sorry…what about that wasn't relaxed? You seem to be constantly surprised when people respond to your comments, and this was one of the nicer ones I've seen.

Everybody told him to run. People were begging him to run. He didn't have the heart for it after he lost his son.

In college, after every high school sweetheart visited his girlfriend for the first time, me and my roommate said we had to move to the middle of nowhere Wisconsin. On a good day we were Madison 6's, but I'm pretty sure we'd be Marshfield 9's. Girls that we would have happily cut off limbs for just to speak to were

Correct. This is the only place anyone raises their voice. Are there even other websites? Because I've never heard of any.

Good thing black people, gay people, and every other minority ever never bitched and moaned, and they just hoped that one day their oppressors would lighten up.

How…how are you here, commenting, underneath the article, if you didn't click on it?