The Devil and John Berryman

His dad was a Dixiecrat. Like most of those old timey Democrats, they never bothered updating their registration after the Civil Rights Act, even though they never voted for a Dem again.

There are some jokes that work, when the butt of the joke isn't the victim. Louis CK has a good one. This is the End had a pretty good one. But "insert rape joke here" is definitely not one. It's not even a joke.

Direct access to barely celebrities is really the only reason Twitter exists.

They didn't read it enough.

You realize that's really fucked up right? That seeing your family in pain brings you joy? When my candidates win, I'm given great joy by what I believe to be the policies that will help the most people. If you truly believe Trump is the candidate to help America, that is what should be bringing you joy. Celebrating

I can't get over my hate phase either. I want to. I know it's necessary, and I know things will never get better if I don't. But still, when I look at my Trump voting mother, all I can think is that my real mother died and some monster took her place.

Ethnics! Always a good sign that someone isn't super racist.

It's almost like Asian transsexuals don't make up half the population.

Season one will be a shot-for-shot remake of House of Cards, but Apple TV fans will laud it as groundbreakingly original.

It concerns me that they specified human.

No, you're thinking of Tucker Carlson.

Did the Head of FX Programming make this statement while at his Presidential press conference?

Yeah, but on the plus side, that means that already 10% of the people have realized they've made a terrible mistake.

It is! It lets you win elections even when your candidate and policies have no business even being in the competition!

I don't necessarily agree with the idea that if it sounds true it's bad enough. Lots of people thought it sounded true that Obama was a Muslim socialist. What I do love is having Trump's own practice of promoting insane conspiracy theories coming back to bite him in the ass.

This stuff legitimately bothers him. The more time he spends throwing a fit on Twitter, the less time he has to try to work. And who knows, maybe this will make his heart explode.

I'm not sure. No factual story has ever stuck to him, because most factual stories are boring. This has all of the tabloid gossip that average Americans crave, and I think is far more likely to hurt his public approval than him just being a boring old sexist bigot.

Yes, but that was a surprisingly common plot in 50s television.

Mono-wall! Mono-wall!

I don't believe that the left is as eager to grab a fake news story. Pretty much every reaction has been the same as Bee's; it's probably not true, but holy shit I hope it is. Compare that to the right, who sees a story about Obama being a literal demon on NewsMaxxxxxx.org and going "holy shit! I knew it!!"