The Devil and John Berryman

Go on…

Food has always had a place here. One of the most beloved dead features was Taste Test. Also, we like food, and there isn't much left that we like.

Imagining Trump having a violent death, and the party that would be thrown on his grave, is pretty much the only thing that allows me to sleep anymore.

…I fail to see the issue with drinking beer in the morning.

Why not drink both?

Any time I worry about how much time I spend on the AV Club, my boss tells me how good of a job I'm doing, then I determine this is all part of my necessary process.

This is truly what I don't get about his appeal. I get the theoretical appeal of a Reagan, that can make you feel hopeful and proud with his oratory skills. But does anyone actually enjoy the physical act of listening to Trump speak? Even if you love the hateful content coming out, wouldn't you want it to come out a

Yes, but I think that has more to do with the increase in alcohol consumption.

I would never, in a million years, ever vote for Paul Ryan. But if our three options are Trump, Pence or Ryan, Ryan easily wins that competition by default. At least he's capable of acting like an adult. Yes, that is the bar we have now.

Take a page out of the Trump administration's book and just lie.

My sincerest apologies if I wasn't clear. I would never wish that on another human being. I will, however, gleefully wish that upon sentient pond scum like Donald J. Trump.

Do you perverts ever stop thinking about golden things?

That just makes you an average American.

There is a narrative that it's going to take more than mocking Trump to defeat him. But it seems to me that the more he is mocked, the more likely it is he works himself up into such a frenzy that he suffers a debilitating heart attack. Keep it up everyone!

Everybody wants everything to be a distraction from something else. Can't Trump just be a moron with no conceivable notion as to how the world works?

It at least seems more credible than Obama being born in Kenya. Until Trump releases his longform travel itinerary, I think it's best just to assume it's true.

If there is enough evidence to show it's probably true, but not enough to show a smoking gun between Putin and Trump, at the very least it makes it much harder for the administration to push through the worst of their policy proposals. Trump already has the lowest approval rating of any incoming President. What little

It's really not that hard if you aren't concerned about being caught in a lie. Whatever is being asked of you is false, video evidence be damned.

For some reason Mark Burnett took a liking to him and gave him a show, even though it had been decades since he was relevant. We'll all pay for his stupidity.

Or, more likely, both are true.