The Devil and John Berryman

When I watched it this year all I wanted to know was how much he thought his bonus was going to be. Not only was he expecting to pay for an in-ground pool, he thought there would be a legitimate chance to pay for his entire extended family to fly in just to use it. And what kind of an asshole has a job where a several

I think my personal favorite line is: I’m not really a fan of [Obama's] policies, but I like the fact that he gave me health insurance.

There was an interview on Vox with a woman who's husband depends on Obamacare to live and they voted for Trump. She didn't realize until mid-interview that Trump campaigned on repealing it.

Accidental Racist 2: We Don't Have to Act Like It's an Accident Anymore

This had been my number confusion during the entire campaign season. Had it been some heir to the Wal-Mart or John Deere fortune I would have at least understood the hypothetical appeal to the rural voter, if still appalled by the content. But after I asked my Trump supporting mother how she could still support him

JR Smith seems like the kind of guy that would show up, and then three days later the Secret Service would discover he never left, and has just been riding his hover board all over the grounds.

I can't imagine him enjoying any sort of artistic expression besides cartoons of Calvin peeing on things or old racist advertisements.

Are there really no country stars begging to perform? I'd figure any one of the numerous fuckwits that were angry over Beyonce performing at their sacred CMA awards would be thrilled at the chance.

That totally biased and unwatchable show is stealing my jokes from the future! Sad!

A Democrat?

We'll see how big of a supporter Tom really is by how close he let's Gisele get to him. I'm betting he pays the entire offensive line to block for her.

But what if he literally has no idea what the job is?

But she did win the America's Got Talent Electoral College, where votes from telephone numbers with rural area codes count four times.

George Soros. The answer is always George Soros.

Disney is doing a great job of making sure no one in the rust belt could ever afford to visit their theme parks.

Flyover country is Faygo country.

Branson. Or Chicago, but only to see Navy Pier.

The more I hear Dunham talk personally, the more I think she actually is a genius, because she clearly has no conscious understanding of what she's actually writing. I'll watch an episode of Girls, love how they are turning Hannah into the villain she always acted like, then hear Dunham in the post episode interview

You know what I really took for granted the last 8 years? Waking up every morning and not immediately feeling violent rage at the world. Really should have appreciated that more.

Having a long running show on HBO isn't 15 minutes. She's sometimes incredibly, and I mean incredibly, annoying. But that doesn't diminish her actual prominence in pop culture.