The Devil and John Berryman

But then they shut up and vote for the person nearest to their point of view, even if it's not a perfect match. It's pretty much the one thing that I'm jealous of conservatives for. They know how to get their agenda in office, and they never miss a chance to vote for it.

"Drain the swamp" while rolling your eyes and making the jerk off motion.

But this wasn't a secret. Voters just didn't give a fuck.

Two of his cabinet picks are Goldman alums, one of which ran the finances for his campaign.

The country just decided they wanted a horrible businessman to be President just because he told everyone he was an awesome businessman enough people just started to believe it. Nothing about the results of our most recent election, for President, congress or even ballot initiatives, suggests that the country at large

Sanders seems like a swell individual who helped move the party to the left, but was otherwise a flawed, one note candidate. I have no ill will towards him for running on the issue that he was most passionate about. But his supporters who refused to let his campaign end? Fuck those guys. They were Trump supporters by

Fucking Tomi Lehren is easily the best video she's released.

And then she was one of the loudest cheerleaders against the only candidate left to stop Trump. The Bernie or Bust crowd did more to tamp down D support than anyone else.

Trying to understand where things went wrong and why so much of the country has rejected what we believe to be a superior offering is exactly what we should be doing.

Also, why wasn't Show Me A Hero nominated for anything? That's the second biggest voter transgression of 2016.

Yeah, I was worried about my phrasing of "I'd assume she's in agreement." I more so meant because Jones is speaking on behalf of their children, and I'd hope they are in agreement on how they are raising them. But it would be great if they were on opposing sides of this one.

I knew there was no hope for an all out revolution, but I really thought that could be 5, 10, 15 faithless republican electors. Any tiny sliver of hope left that the saner members of the GOP would stand up to Trump died.

By definition, anybody formerly on the right that is now leaning ever so slightly more to the left would be inconsistent, no? It's going to be a long, long four (oh dear god hopefully only four) years if we keep rejecting all of the allies that we don't think are good enough.

And we still have the gall to wonder how the rural poor could possibly vote against their own self interest in the name of staying pure to their political ideology.

None of those are things that the right has criticized Obama for. He was criticized for being a Kenyan Muslim, for being a socialist, for setting up death panels to kill your grandma, and for being too weak on terrorism. Those are the false equivalency. The guy you're describing is the right's wet dream.

If he was just in it for the buck, trashing Trump and begrudgingly supporting Clinton would be an awfully stupid business decision considering the morons he catered to.

…for trying to reach across the aisle and find common ground with our staunchest critics?

I kind of buy it, because he always seemed like he genuinely believed his insane ramblings, rather than just trying to cash in on the backs of morons like most of the conservative wind bags in media. And you can see the deadness in his eyes, like a man that knows he has sins to answer for.

She received the 2nd most votes of all time. More so than even Trump. Trump just flipped a small enough percentage in three states to reverse the map.