The Devil and John Berryman

Because you don't shout things in the middle of a set like a child?

*citation needed

I've lived in a swing state for 8 years. Most swing states swing during the national election, but are deep, deep red on local and state levels. Living in a swing state fucking sucks.

Well, see, there's your first mistake. You assume he'll appoint an actual judge, that thinks like an adult? What a fun world that would be to live in!

There is no next step besides waiting for the sweet release of death. There is no hope, only pain and snark.

In other words, I really hate Obama, but can find nothing disagreeable about this law, so I need to critique it for something.

Isn't it great when Trump supporters say that their guy is equally as bad as that horrible, shrill she-beast that they hate so much? Even in their fantasy world where facts don't matter and they can say whatever they want, Trump is still "just as bad," yet, for reasons, a far superior choice.

It's amazing how depressing Home Alone 2 is now.

Steve Bannon to his Kitchen Cabinet. Jeff Sessions as his AG. But you're clearly someone who doesn't have much interest in liberally biased facts, so I'll bid you good day. Happy holidays. Especially Hanukkah and Kwanzaa.

Trump did legitimize these terrible things. Look at his comments throughout the campaign and his cabinet picks. Russia being responsible for the hacks isn't so much hypothetical as "backed up by intelligence agencies who's job it is to know these things."

Are they the novelizations of the first two Cheech & Chong movies?

"Sure, the last 350 days were a waking nightmare, but maybe day 351 is Generic Indie Kid's time to shine!"

No she wasn't. Yes they are.

Critics have been blaming the media an awful lot for the outcome of the election. And often, very rightfully so. But that gives way too much of a pass to the Trump voter. Voters shouldn't need Lester Holt to point out things that are obvious to anyone with eyes and ears.

Remember when republicans acted like they cared about Obama golfing a few times a month, and they claimed it was for actual concern over his time management, and not, like, because they were racist? Good times!

I think more than anything, this is what I don't get about Trump, or, at least, his appeal. Even if you are the sort of insane person that agrees with his insane policies, doesn't it ever get old hearing him start every single fucking sentence like a bratty 14 year old? Wow, another organization that was mean to you

It's funny cuz it's super racist!

You see, this is the good kind of pay-for-play! Because he's a businessman!

And thus I've realized I rather live in a universe where Guy Fieri is the President-Elect. This is what you've done to me 2016.

Loving a politician because they aren't as shitty as someone else is exactly what we do in America. For the most part, all of our options are going to be moderate, so you work as hard as you can to help the person that will do the most good for your causes. I find it incredibly frustrating how entitled liberals have