The Devil and John Berryman

I'll give you Kanye, but Chance and Bon Iver? They're douchebags now?

And he's also business partners with Trump's new Secretary of the Treasury. I'm actually kind of excited to have that talk with my brain dead mother. Even though I know she'll just find a way to say how smart it is that Trump will have someone so supposedly evil so close to his cabinet.

To be clear, an underage sex slave trade underneath a pizzeria and controlled by powerful Democrats? Totally believable. That a person that believed this story would also arm himself to "investigate"? C'mon, that's too much man.

See also: today.

The thing I've been really struggling with since the election is that nothing make sense to me anymore. I'm a very logical person, and even if I disagree with your point of view, even if I hate your point of view, I'd like to at least understand your rationale. If nothing else, it will give me more ammunition in a

Ew, you have a picture of a dog as your avatar. Why do you fuck dogs?

It can't be that bad.

There are symbols on the menu that they claim look like symbols pedo's use to identify themselves. They are in fact ping pong paddles. And in the past the government has lied about stuff, so them denying it just proves it exists. That's…pretty much it.

Oh. Well that doesn't make me feel any better.

It's not the AV Club's fault that pop culture is fucking terrifying now.

And not only "involved," but actually, physically kidnapping children! EVEN IF you somehow believe she's involved in something like this, why the fuck do you think she'd be doing her own dirty work?! There aren't grunts for this sort of stuff? There should be about 25 logical obstacles to believing any of this shit,

If we're lucky. In all likelihood, there will be a lot more internment camps and nuclear bombings.

The problem is, the whole industry of "fake news" was created specifically to hoodwink these people, under the mistaken illusion that once it became public how stupid these people are, they'd feel shame and realize the error of their ways. Instead, it just made them double down on their stupidity because they refuse

The key difference is that Clinton was called a "nasty woman" for having the audacity to correct Trump, while the context of "deplorables" was that there are a large number of racists, xenophobes, misogynists and all around assholes that support Trump. Which…c'mon.

And it's fucking called "pizzagate." If there was any truth, I'm talking even a 1% possibility, that there is actually a cabal of politicians running a pedo sex slave trade out of a pizza shop, I have trouble believing they'd call it fucking "pizzagate." It might be "Lolitagate" or "Statutoryghazi" or, even likelier,

You forgot "white."

Even with the incredibly low expectations I have for right-wing conspiracy theories, this one is laughable stupid. At least with the Clinton Death Squad conspiracies, there were actual dead people they were trying to blame Clinton for. I mean, still clearly stupid, but at least there was an actual body. The facts in

I'm fine assuming that anyone that supports racist music is a racist.

Imagine Kids in the Hall was jammed inside of a standard, plot driven cable comedy. There were times in the first season when the absurdist plot lines drove me away, because it was hard to make an emotional connection. But I think last season it really clicked for me. If nothing else watch the episodes devoted to