The Devil and John Berryman

And Trump said the Electoral College should be eliminated, yet here we are.

A candidate refusing to release his tax returns for the first time in 40 years is a "shitty meme" how exactly?

This sort of argument assumes that people are upset simply because their candidate lost. When, in reality, people are upset because actual Donald Trump and SNL Donald Trump are pretty much the exact same person, and one of them is about to control the United States.Citizens are allowed, and in fact should, be upset

I've had a job for the last 17 years, but thanks for the concern. I also left the midwest because I hate snow.

They crave safe spaces more than anyone.

Well then I don't understand how me typing it again will help. Stop being such a nancy, wipe your eyes, and read for yourself like a fucking man.

What could their possible argument be for Petraeus? Your options are either a.) act like you don't know who he is or b.) mutter "yeah it's not great, but I believe in our President.

I don't know, are you going to whine every time you choose to leave the safe space of Trump's asshole?

If working class people though Hillary was shill, I can't wait to hear what they think about Warren.

And the cuck crowd would have had a field day with him. Before my mom turned completely to the dark side I was pushing her hard towards Bernie, mistakenly thinking that when she said she was voting purely out of her economic unease she wasn't completely full of shit. All she could ever offer for a reason she didn't

Stop bleeding out of your…where ever!

THE females.

Oh, definitely childish mocking! But we also understand the real crimes, because we are able to understand more than two things.

He's going to be our President. This is how we deal with that reality.

At what point on a first date is it expected to grab a pussy?
A.) Immediately - I know how to have fun!
B.) After 15 seconds - I like to get to know someone first!
C.) After 30 seconds - I know, I know, so old fashioned!

Taking far right leanings to their logical conclusion was the plot of Men Against Fire.

And even then they weren't that off, well within the margin of error. It's just that they all ended up being off by that small margin.

But…they still do both of those things!

I would like to see less of that in hip hop in general, but what an odd thing to direct specifically at Childish Gambino.

If Childish Gambino wasn't such a ridiculous name, BTI would have been rightfully heralded as one of the best albums of 2013.